Best of Medium

Top 7 Medium Stories | Week 31, 2024

Which one do you think is the best?

Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day


Hello everyone! This is your weekly dose of Medium.

① if it’s meant to be, it will be -

by letters from rosie | 👏16383 💬101

Synopsis: It can be a hard pill to swallow but learn to accept that certain things are beyond your control. You do not have to force people to do what you want or act in a certain way toward you. Some individuals do not treat or love you well, not because they do not understand, but because they refuse to.

by letters from rosie | 👏19403 💬88

Synopsis: The “orange peel theory” suggests that if your partner peels an orange for you, it signifies their true and pure love. Before we can love others completely and without hesitation, we must understand our worth and love ourselves. I peeled my own orange today, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to having someone help me peel it.

by pahal writes | 👏104775 💬253

Synopsis: Who are you when nobody is watching? is the question I ask myself. I am different with different people. My favorite version of “me” is the one that comes out when no one’s around, when my actions aren’t captured. We are the dark secrets we conceal and the mistakes that we make.We are the love left unexpressed and the unnoticed kindness.

by letters from rosie | 👏32383 💬146

Synopsis: Some people are simply meant to hurt us. Some people are meant to be with us only for a short time. By embracing the “let them theory,” we give a safe space for people in our lives to be themselves, not trying to change them, but accepting them as they are.

by keng | 👏17330 💬106

Synopsis: I’ve always been the one to listen, to offer a shoulder, to say, “I’m here for you.” But when it comes to my own struggles, I vanish. I build walls and put up barriers, not wanting to be a burden. I convince myself that my pain is insignificant, that it doesn’t matter.

by thekidultwriter | 👏55431 💬411

Synopsis: The author believes that even in our worst condition, we can still be someone: someone who tries and that’s good enough. If today, you don’t want to try, then so be it. The sun will shine again, and the moon will always show up, even half full.

by Joan Westenberg | 👏11435 💬139

Synopsis: The Art of Not Sharing is a guide to not sharing your life on social media. It’s a way to resist the temptation to post, to keep our thoughts and experiences to ourselves. In the pre-digital age, privacy was the default state, sharing information required effort. Now, privacy requires effort.

That’s it. I really hope you enjoy. See you next week! 😊



Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day

Self-taught amateur photographer and self-published blogger | Learning everyday