All Stories published by on May 30, 2005

The Biggest Coffeehouse on Earth

Blogs will change your business, according to a Businessweek article by Stephen Baker and Heather Green.

Blogs … evolve with every posting, each one tied to a moment. So if a company

can track millions of blogs simultaneously, it gets a heat map…

Five Questions

Bing aka Juliet posts her response to five questions asked by Dean Alfar

in what seems to be a variation of the forwarded-email type

question-and-answer things that go around the ‘net. I think these

are best answered in blog posts, being open to the general public, and

with relevant links to…

I’m linkbloggin’

I just started my linkblog on

I’ll just keep on clipping items in my linkblog that I can’t

necessarily blog about here (i.e. no time, no time, or no time). 

I’m actually still torn between keeping my bloglines linkblog

(which I had only recently started also) or the one on…

My Gmail Story

I love my Gmail

account. The thread-based interface rocks. Now I no longer

have to sift through mountains of messages (and spam!) to get what I

want. I can view by thread, and I can search by keyword/category.

Demystifying blogs

Amy Gahran talks on blog stereotypes:

While it’s good that

weblog neophytes are considering and talking about blogs at all, they

often fall prey to, and perpetuate, a fair amount of misinformation

especially stereotypes. Here are some clarifications on how to…