All Stories published by on June 14, 2005


Jeremy Wagstaff writes on a conversation with a bank rep and raises questions on the security of transacting over the phone.

Jeremy is right in that “fraud is as much about social engineering as it is about technical wizardry.” Lesson learned: don’t give out data to strangers!

When all else fails, consult a lawyer

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has come up with a Legal Guide for Bloggers. While not a substitute for (expensive) legal advice, it provides basic guidelines on issues that bloggers may face.

Citizen Journalism

Jove recalls how the past EDSA People Power revolutions were initiated: EDSA I through mosquito journalism and EDSA II through SMS.

Will the next revolution be brought about by citizen journalism (a.k.a.

blogging, to those who would agree with the idea that bloggers…

It’s the little guys that suffer

JP talks on the Tape that binds us. Or rather, the tape, or the recording that has become controversial in the past few days.

You’re right, JP. It’s the little guy that suffers! A lot of them!

Online in the boondocks

Kottke muses on various options for rural internet connectivity (dialup too slow?). I’d say one of the better options is GPRS over a GSM connection. 

It’s as slow as dialup, but hey, that’s anywhere, anytime internet

(can’t beat that). Speeds are purportedly four times faster with…