Q1 2021: Blockchain Tooling and Decentralized Web Infrastructure

Raven Protocol
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2021

Dear Raven Protocol Community,

Thank you to everyone who has reached out. COVID-19 infections in India are at their peak. We have been doing our small part in making sure the country fights this, but we need to do more. As you can see below, both new daily infections and daily deaths have gone parabolic.

Let us take a moment to use this space and our voices to support the Covid relief campaign driven by Sandeep from Polygon. He has taken full responsibility in regulatory compliance. That is a huge risk, but he is standing up to fight for what is right.

We now return to our regularly scheduled program

For those that have been keeping up with our Github, you may have noticed some very exciting developments. It should also be of no surprise that the Raven Distribution Framework is recognized as blockchain tooling in the BSC Ecosystem! AI/ML compute is definitely part of the core decentralized web infrastructure and Raven Protocol is leading the way.

Development is always on-going

We have a set of libraries now :)

1. OLS
2. Kmeans
3. Minibatch Kmeans
4. KNN Classifier
5. KNN Regressor
6. Zscore
7. Pearson Correlation
8. Losses and metrics
9. Raven Visualisation Package
10. New Ops added

One hour deep dive into Raven Protocol

Mitchell Eccles, PhD is an AI and Machine Learning expert who specializes in building large scale commercial AI products. He also helps startups define their AI strategy, build their tech, and grow their team.

In this exclusive interview with Bitcoin Live, he took one hour to dive into all things Raven Protocol. Everything you ever wanted to know from an AI expert on Raven’s importance in the industry, why the protocol is needed, how big of an opportunity we’re attacking, current development on the framework, and even how to start staking/contributing to the project.

Learn more about Mitch here:

Call for Open Source Contributors

Calling all AI/ML developers! We are inviting you to contribute to our open-source repositories on Github.

The Raven Distribution Framework is now split into separate libraries/repositories as our codebase is growing:
— RavOp
— RavML
— RavCom
— RavSock
— RavJS
— RavViz

If you are a contributor:

  1. Write new algorithms, losses, performance metrics and other statistical functions.
  2. You can implement decentralised and distributed machine learning algorithms using RavOp.
  3. Contribute new distribution and weight aggregation strategies

If you are a developer:

  1. Train algorithms in a decentralised and distributed manner
  2. Deploy RDF
  3. Be an evangelist

We would love for you to be a member of the Raven Dev Community!

Join us on Github to contribute to the code: https://github.com/ravenprotocol

Join us on Discord to contribute to the dev discussions:

Please retweet this to help us spread the awareness:

Dex Listings

Multi Level Farming

The Raven community shared their strategies to maximize yield: https://medium.com/ravenprotocol/proof-of-steak-march-2021-rewards-distributed-and-introducing-multi-level-farming-for-compounded-5ef3702b99cd

DAO / Token permissioned newsletter

We experimented with a token permissioned newsletter built on Substack and Binance Smart Chain. You receive access to private posts and networking opportunities directly with other investors/partners of Raven Protocol. All of which have a vested interest in making sure the protocol and distribution framework gain adoption.


If you know anyone that could be a good fit, please send them our way!



💌LOVE from the Raven Community💌

Raven Protocol: Q2 2019 Tech and Community Update:

Raven Protocol: Q3 2019 Tech project development Update:

Raven Protocol: Q4 2019 Tech project development Update:

Raven Protocol: Q1 2020 Tech project development Update:

Raven Protocol: Q2 2020 Development and Community Update:

Raven Protocol: Q3 2020 Development and Community Update:

Raven Protocol: Q4 2020 Development and Community Update:

Raven Protocol Project Review:

Raven Protocol White Paper:

Official Email Address: founders@ravenprotocol.com
Official Website Link: http://www.RavenProtocol.com
Official Announcement Channel: https://t.me/raven_announcements
Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/ravenprotocol
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/raven_protocol
Official Medium: https://medium.com/ravenprotocol
Official LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/ravenprotocol
Official Github: https://www.github.com/ravenprotocol
Official Substack: https://ravenprotocol.substack.com
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/NkquT5Xm



Raven Protocol

www.RavenProtocol.com is a decentralized and distributed deep-learning training protocol. Providing cost-efficient and faster training of deep neural networks.