RISE Newsletter — 2018 Highlights

Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2019

Hello RISE Community,

In this newsletter, we will give a quick overview of the development achievements RISE has made in 2018. We thank the RISE community for supporting us throughout 2018 and wish you all a very Happy New Year for 2019!

Q1 — January, February, March 2018

RISE Core v1.0.0 entered the testing phase since its rewrite in TypeScript for more robust and readable code with 99% code coverage.

Q2 — April, May, June 2018

After a few months of the RISE Core in Testnet and the help of 38 community testers, we launched RISE Core v1.0.0 into Mainnet. We also welcomed a new, redesigned website. Forging rewards reduced from 15 to 12 RISE per block and we began rewriting the RISE web wallet and changing up the user experience.

Q3 — July, August, September 2018

RISE Core v1.1.0 entered the Testnet phase, which included improvements to transactions per seconds, security and data integrity. RISE Core v1.1.0 evolved into RISE Core v1.1.1 and launched into Mainnet with the capability of the core and future sidechains to have up to 1000tps when required in the future. We also released v1 of the RISE Lightpaper and the ‘The Future on RISE’ promo video. We worked on RISE v1.2.0 featuring Protocol Buffers, which improved peer-to-peer performance and efficiency. We were also thrilled to share that RISE became available for use with Ledger Nano S.

Q4 — October, November, December 2018

RISE Core 1.2.0 launched into mainnet and Andrea and Matteo proposed new consensus changes for DPOS in RISE v1.3.0. The proposal suggested fair vote weight for future sidechains, productivity as ranking factor, Delegate banning for poor performance and active delegates pool modification to allow more delegates to forge. The new RISE web wallet entered beta testing phase and the community gave valuable feedback which Mart and Tobias actioned for an improved wallet. We hired Julian who began focusing on developer documentation for RISE and we deployed RISE Core v1.3.2 on Mainnet inclusive of v2 DPOS consensus changes.

December Development Update

In December, on the RISE Node repository we have pushed 2 commits to development and 2 commits to all branches. On development, 7 files have changed and there have been 178 additions and 161 deletions. Matteo has fixed some minor bugs on the core (issues #188 and #189), and mostly aligning similar API endpoints to the same fields and removing some junk data. Andrea has continued working on a new branch, which he has been working on since July. Some of the new core work is in a private repository and will only be released when ready for public release. Andrea has also worked on the RISE Explorer:

  • fixed bugs that were displaying properly forging delegates as RED while they were GREEN
  • added forging probability to delegate monitor
  • added forging probability to single delegate page
  • upgrade mainnet explorer

Andrea has also worked on the newer version of the RISE app for Ledger for the upcoming firmware upgrade of Ledger Nano S.

Additionally in December, on the RISE React Wallet repository we have pushed 71 commits to master and 91 commits to all branches. On master, 60 files have changed and there have been 4,252 additions and 1,645 deletions. The new wallet is almost out of beta and a Node Switcher has been implemented (to select mainnet, testnet or custom node) + Installable Packages.

Mart released a new risesdk package on PyPi and worked on the API reference to include python code samples.

Julian worked on fixing bugs with peer networks and syncing and making sure delegate rounds are working, as well as scaling the docker network.

Community Development

Since the RISE 1.3.x new consensus change, among other improvements, has introduced delegates banning, which prevents ‘bad’ delegates from forging after missing 85 blocks in a row. A community member, Sebastiano, has created this awesome website, which provides a list of delegates that are consecutively missing >= 1 blocks and the estimated ban time based on:

The DPOS v2 consensus upgrade has resulted in a 25% increase of nodes running on the RISE network. This is a great achievement and one that increases the stability of the RISE network and furthers our goal of a decentralised network.

We are excited to continue building RISE blockchain technology for developers and we hope to achieve many more milestones in 2019. Thank you to our loyal community who take part in the growth and adoption of RISE. Join the RISE community:

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RISE (token symbol RISE) is an ecosystem for developers, offering a platform for the development of decentralised applications powered by a community driven Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) blockchain.

Disclaimer: RISE is not a security, and token holders are not investors. There is no guarantee you will make any money from holding RISE tokens, and you do not own any part of RISE or any entity as a result of owning RISE tokens.

