Getting Ad Insights from Facebook — and avoiding error 17

At untapt measuring the success of our marketing campaigns across social media is important — to us and our clients. If we are going to put dollars into a campaign to find the best tech talent around the world, we need to know…

Node.JS and Heroku

I am following Node:Up and Running to learn about Node.JS and extending what I have gleaned from this book, and learned on the excellent Javascript courses at O’Reilly School of Technology, so that I can deploy the book example apps on a Heroku dyno. I like the way the book is written, but…

Lego Digital Designer

The Lego Digital Designer is an awesome tool for designing a new creation on your computer and creating a build guide. You can then use the Lego Pick a Brick site to buy all the bricks you need. A Raspberry Pi case can be put together for ~$20.

Setting up Heroku, Flask and Python on a Windows 7 PC

Following the steps on the Heroku site for getting started with python guide I ran into a few issue-ettes. Below are some scrappy notes that could be used to accompany the guide if you run into the same issues that I did.

WrightCCS is a viable alternative to RSA for dual authentication

Now that RSA cannot even be trusted, it might be time to look at alternative dual authentication options. One that we have had success with at C12 is WrightCSS. WrightCSS is a member of the Citrix Partner program and…

Sending SMS messages using Twilio

Twilio provides an API and platform that can send SMS texts, and text-to-voice messages, and costs very little to use.

Some 3rd party vendors already have hooks into Twilio — e.g. WrightCCS for two-factor authentication. If you want to roll your…

Sam Kenny’s a(musing)
Sam Kenny’s a(musing)
Random tech articles and tidbits of interest
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