Top Stories published by Sample 1 in 2012

SMS Texting Becoming Less Popular

Tero Kuittinen posted an article on citing statistics showing a decline in text messaging in Europe and Asia in countries such as Finland, the Netherlands, and the Philippines.

How do you feel about getting old?

Pfizer recently launched, a platform designed to “encourage and support a dialogue around the notion of getting older and living better”.

The site features a mix of user generated stories along with social content aggregated from…

Experiencing SXSW Sadness?

I don’t know about most of you, but I am pretty depressed that I will not be taking the trip out to Austin, TX to participate in SXSW. Thinking about missing out on the warm weather, the culture, and OF COURSE all of the innovative interactive speakers and sessions, well, I’m…

Users are Bored with Facebook

Alexel Oreskovic reports on Reuters about a poll released last week that revealed people are getting bored with Facebook.

Reuters teamed up with Ipsos to gather data in an online poll.

  • Four out of five Facebook users have…

Retailers Shut Facebook Storefonts Amid Apathy’s Ashley Lutz reports that retailers are not finding value in a Facebook presence. They are not seeing increased sales coming from their Facebook stores.

Five Reasons Why Physicians Need to Use Social Media

Posted by: Jamie Rauscher on HealthWorks Collective

EXCLUSIVE POST — Physician participation in social media is a health care imperative according to Dr. Kevin Pho, a practicing internist and the founder of…

21st Century Version of “Planned Obsolence”?

This is an interesting read. Ryan Holiday posted his opinion on the New York Observer’s website entitled “Broken on Purpose: Why Getting It Wrong Pays More Than Getting It Right.”

Getting some thinking time with Google

Google recently published their latest, quarterly, themed, online newsletter, Think With Google. This quarter’s edition focuses on different aspects of “play” in the digital and offline marketing space. Don’t miss the article on how the company, Crayola, is…

These were the top 28 stories published by Sample 1 in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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