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Santa Maria Valley Tech
A hub for all things tech and entrepreneurship in the Santa Maria Valley.
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How Does One Launch A Startup Community?
How Does One Launch A Startup Community?
Before we talk about ingredients for building a thriving startup ecosystem, let’s explore the importance of opportunity.
Jose Huitron
Oct 28, 2022
5 Keys to Expanding Your Sphere of Influence
5 Keys to Expanding Your Sphere of Influence
History has a way of teaching some valuable lessons. Experience is the ultimate history professor. Proven methods and insights from those…
Jose Huitron
May 11, 2019
Cultivating an Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem — Part I
Cultivating an Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem — Part I
Every story has its hero.
Jose Huitron
May 13, 2019
40+ Ways to Hack a Hackathon
40+ Ways to Hack a Hackathon
In just a few more hours, I’ll have embarked on another mission to help spark community, ideas, and impact by attending Startup Weekend…
Jose Huitron
Nov 8, 2018
Powering Latino Business in the Santa Maria Valley
Powering Latino Business in the Santa Maria Valley
A recent visit to the Santa Maria Business Development Center (MIYB Spaces), a hot bed of resources for small business owners on the…
Jose Huitron
Jun 6, 2018
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