Monthly Highlights

August 2018

Sue Meng CHAN
Sentinel Chain
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2018


Dear Sentinel Chain Community,

August has been a full and rewarding month for the Sentinel Chain team. We are pleased to bring you the best of the month, from announcements to news, and publications to publicity.

Myanmar Flood Relief Programme

From 13 to 15 Aug., we organised the Myanmar Flood Relief Programme to provide aid to the flood victims. A sum of 30.32 ETH converted to USD 8,500 was the outcome, and has been donated to purchase animal feeds and children’s supplies in most affected regions. Learn more here and here.

Our partner Myanma Insurance (MI) followed suit by organising their internal fundraising that raised 1,000,000 MMK (approx.USD 730) which is highly symbolic of the support by “…an organization that doesn’t pay very big salaries…” as expressed by its managing director, Dr. Sandar Oo. Read more here.

Stay tuned for our closing article with full summary.

Foundation members change

On 15th Aug., Roy Lai was appointed new chairman of InfoCorp Foundation and the boards of Infocorp Foundation and Infocorp Agtech, Mr Chia Hock Lai (President of Singapore Fintech Association), Mr Anson Zeall (Chairman of ACCESS) and Ms Zann Kwan (Board member of ACCESS) relinquished their roles to focus on further development of the blockchain ecosystem. Read the announcement here.

Purchase of 1% (5 million) SENC from the open market

On 24th Aug., we announced that InfoCorp AgTech, operator of Sentinel Chain will be purchasing 1% (5 million SENC) of the total supply of SENC from the open market after 15th September 2018 based on the average end-of-day ETH price of SENC from 1st September 2018 to 10th September 2018 published in CoinGecko. This is to prepare for Sentinel Chain’s launch of its first use case in Myanmar scheduled for Q1 in 2019, and the early purchase of SENC is carried out in view of the current low SENC value as well as the project being on track with regards to the roadmap. Learn more here.

New advisor at InfoCorp Foundation

On 27 Aug., InfoCorp Foundation welcomed Dr. Pei Sai Fan on board. With nearly 40 years experience in banking and finance, Prof. Pei has breadth and depth of expertise spanning commercial banking, investment banking and capital markets, central banking and financial regulation and supervision. Learn more here.

Sentinel Chain Explained — SENC

We published Sentinel Chain Explained — SENC to help our community to appreciate the inner workings into its Who; What; When; Why; How. Understand why its success is ultimately determined by how well it will be adopted for real world use.

Technical Development

CrossPay Mobile App

As with all of us at Sentinel Chain, fueled with mission and vision of a better tomorrow, our tech team continues work on incorporating important usability updates to facilitate ease of adoption. In August, work included -

  1. Addition of corresponding flag to each country in the Country selection. App users can easily select their country even without comprehending English.
  2. List of States/Regions, Districts, Townships has been updated based on new data collected from “Census Atlas Myanmar 2014” and review feedback from our Myanmar team.
  3. Based on the farm owner requirements in Nay Pyi Taw, we have added a new livestock type “Breeding” into the app.
  4. In Premium Amount field in Livestock Identity, farm and/or livestock owner has the option to enter the agreed Premium Amount for the livestock insurance. This feature has been added in the “Create/Update Livestock” and “View/Verify Livestock” section. Once entered, this data will be published to the blockchain.
  5. QR code design improved to work even under direct sunlight.
  6. Grouping of Towns by State/Region, enabling user to easily search and find the location of his town.
  7. Backend API setup is designed with a more granular level of security with “livestock data view access privilege” to ensure that private data remains on the private blockchain.

Visit Sentinel Chain’s Medium platform to learn more in our Weekly Progress Updates under “CrossPay Mobile App Development” section.

Publicity and Promotion

InfoCorp in the news

Is history in the making? Moo! And we are in it! Read what Daw Sandar Oo, managing director of Myanma Insurance has to say in in this article in Asia Insurance Review. For the first time in 30 years, Myanmar will launch insurance policy covering livestock insurance. How many livestock owners will be able to raise themselves out of poverty? Don’t forget to share it on Facebook and #SentinelChain. Here’s to success of our joint project.


Our solution for the world is only useful when it’s adopted, especially at beneficiary level. A great deal of emphasis is hence placed on farmer training. We shared this video to illustrate part of the ongoing training programme.

Braving rain and storm, this boat ride across tall cornfields is just another way to get to just another day, hard at work in Myanmar. Watch it again here. It provoked lots of thoughts about impact of the floods to those who have little or no buffer against it.


It’s less than 3 weeks to Consensus Singapore. Our CEO, Roy Lai will share Sentinel Chain’s real world use case that will drive speed and scale to global goals for betterment of society. We hope to meet you there. Do retweet this and remember to #sentinelchain.

Our InfoCorp LATAM team attended Blockchain World Congress & Expo in Buenos Aires, and connected and networked with some of the most recognized companies in the industry as well as main buyers in the technology sector and consumer electronics. This was the week we shared the news.

Sentinel Chain is a blockchain-based international marketplace for cross-border financial services and the world’s first platform to accept the use of livestock as collateral. Taking a unique approach to the last mile problem of financial inclusion, the Sentinel Chain model establishes livestock provenance through the creation of livestock insurance on blockchain — the registration of livestock provenance on blockchain provides the unbanked with a new opportunity: the real possibility of accepting livestock as ‘collateral’ for loans. Sentinel Chain is a project by InfoCorp Technologies


