Crafted in Midjourney


Cantari #4

Chapter Four — Venus Starlight

Kate Granger
Serial Stories
Published in
8 min readFeb 3, 2023


The Cantari series: P | 1 | 2 | 3

I woke up with Alex squeezed tightly into me. When I stirred, she did too. When she peeked her head from underneath a pile of sleeping bags, we used to garner warmth; she looked cute and vulnerable.

I kissed her gently, remembering the overwhelming emotional release of our lovemaking.

“It’s cold, Aisla.”

“We must activate the generator and warm this place up.”

“What then?”

She seemed skittish. I figured that running away from her husband had helped little and she needed the security I could provide. I had no preference between men and women as my life or sexual partners, as long as they were happy to follow my lead.

“We’ll discreetly contact anyone we trust and get them to come here. We need a bigger group to survive this.”

I went to the command centre, which had a permanently powered system. Wall mounted printed maps of the facility revealed four levels coloured in red below our current position. Nothing down there would be accessible without passwords, retinal scans, DNA confirmation and fingerprint recognition.



Kate Granger
Serial Stories

I explore where romance, love and emotions meet in a relationship explosion. 6 x Top Writer.