Quickie: Do Men Understand Female Sexuality?

Survey suggests men have no idea what women need in the bedroom…and sex education is to blame

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by kataklinger on DepositPhotos

We know the orgasm gap has left women feeling unsatisfied in their sex lives, and men unsure of what to do about it. In fact, a survey conducted by Flo found that 60 percent of women believe their partner’s understanding, or lack thereof, about female sexual health is causing issues in their relationship.

But why don’t men recognize the sexual needs of the women lying next to them in bed? Flo asked almost two thousand men about their thoughts on female sexuality, and 50 percent of them believe their lack of understanding can be directly linked to the lacking sex education they received in their adolescent years. And not only has insufficient sex education led to a lack of awareness, about 33 percent of men said it’s also led to unrealistic expectations about sex, as well as issues communicating with their partners about their sex lives.

Just how bad is the problem? The survey also showed that:

  • 51 percent of men have never even heard of the orgasm gap, despite believing they have a good understanding of female anatomy
  • Around 50 percent of men don’t know that women’s sex drives increase when they’re ovulating

