Quickie: Is Your Phone Ruining Your Dating Life?

Survey results suggest it could be

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A man and woman on a date texting on their cell phones and ignoring each other
Photo by Milkos on DepositPhotos

We’ve all seen it: A couple at a restaurant sitting across from each other while engrossed in conversation…with their cell phones. This isn’t just an annoying habit that people may engage in here and there either. According to a survey of 5,018 people by SellCell, phone addiction is a very prevalent problem in relationships, and people will go to extreme lengths to get a fix.

In fact, if you’ve been on a date with one of them, you are far from alone. Or you may even be one of them yourself. The survey found that 49.6 percent of people have no problem using their cell phone during a date. Why? They gave various reasons for ignoring their date to stare at a screen:

  • Chatting with friends or family members (51.8 percent)
  • Taking selfies (35.1 percent)
  • Checking to see if they have messages from their babysitter (31.7 percent)
  • Checking in to see if they have messages from work (27.6 percent)
  • Checking emails (26.6 percent)
  • Checking social media (24.4 percent)
  • Combatting boredom on the date (12.3 percent)
  • Feeling the need to check their phone constantly (11.7 percent)

