Signifier : six : shot : gallery — Global ‘Freeview’

Friends-of-the-gallery free-to-view links for all our previous exhibitions and artist showcases…

Remy Dean


The Signifier : six : shot : gallery officially launched for January 2021 and every calendar month since has hosted an artist’s showcase of just six images linked by aesthetics, techniques, processes, philosophies, formal or conceptual elements. Some of those exhibiting with us are already well-established, internationally renowned artists, others are fresh ‘emergent’ talents, and some have gone on to win major accolades since featuring.

Bookmark this page and use it to navigate the archive of six shot showcases, so you won’t run up against a paywall — we hope this will help further promote and support our exhibiting artists and their work.

There’s something for everyone among the showcases so, please, spread the word and share this page far and wide through you SNS channels to support the artists who have exhibited with us so far…

Any visual artists, illustrators, photographers, who’d like to be featured in one of our showcases, please scroll right down to the bottom of this article for submissions guidelines ⬇️





…will be archived here quarterly.

Calling All Artists!

…submit your visual art to The Signifier : six : shot : gallery.

Every month we showcase just six images by an artist, or creative entity. These six images are linked in some understandable way — perhaps from the same project, series, or dealing with related subjects. The six images are accompanied by an artist’s statement that does not necessarily explain the work but lends insight into meaning that informs deeper engagement.

The art must be the sole creation of the artist, or creative entity, and intended to be viewed as a 2D image. No sculpture or 3D work will be considered at present. No NFTs. Acceptable media include, fine art, photography, drawing, painting, collage, prints, illustration, mixed media, digital, etc. The curator favours concept-driven work that is visually adventurous.

The host and curator is Remy Dean and initial contact should be made by leaving a comment on the most recent exhibition showcase published in The Signifier : six : shot : gallery, or leave a private note on a recently published article written by Remy Dean.

The Six Shot Gallery is hosted on the Medium platform, so the administration and maintenance costs are met by the reader and member contribution, not the exhibitors. Therefore, it will remain free to submit for the foreseeable future and no ‘virtual hanging fee’ is charged. Artists may include a single link to their personal website, agent, dealer or preferred sales site — we charge zero commission for this.

Please note that there is a maximum of 12 exhibition slots available per annum, so don’t be disappointed or discouraged should your work not be selected.

We look forward to receiving some exciting art from you!

: six : shot : gallery
read our publication



Remy Dean

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press.