Skycoin Community Maps: Telegram

Find your place in Skyfleet.

Skyfleet Captain’s Log
41 min readJul 25, 2019


Skycoin: A Community

Skycoin’s community is not only large, the strength of its networks shows that it’s growing every day. After a mere year of testnet on the Skycoin Project’s largest application, the Skywire meshnet, it has already achieved over 13,000 nodes and keeps expanding at a steady pace. The users have now been enjoying several successful months of the first stages of mainnet. By comparison, the Bitcoin network has taken 11 years to reach 10,000 public nodes. The Tor network took 16 years to reach 6,500 nodes. Skywire is obviously leading.
Unlike Bitcoin or anyone else, Skycoin has numerous internal projects in hardware, software, language, and other sectors. As well as internal projects, Skycoin is a platform so there are an increasing number of external new and institutional ventures comprising the Skycoin Fiber community who build their programs upon Skycoin’s proven technologies. As a result, Skycoin and its associated Fiber communities keep increasing in size. Whereas the vast majority of cryptocurrency projects have no issue being constrained to one room where idle chatter and an occasional technical question is raised amid rampant price talk, Skycoin’s users quickly required more space to function. As such, a great many chatrooms on multiple platforms have arisen with Telegram hosting the main bulk of activity and growth. In fact, there are currently at least 130 public groups across Skycoin’s Telegram presence alone with another 20 or more forums and similar sites at minimum which are also available to join. That’s not even counting another dozen plus Telegram chats for assorted Fiber platform projects.
Whatever you’re looking for, Skycoin has a community for it and for you.

1. Skycoin Telegram Community
1.1. Official
1.1.1. Skycoin
1.1.2. Skywire
1.1.3. CX Development Libraries
1.1.4. Bounty Programs
1.1.5. Fiber Platform
1.2. Offshoot Communities & Side Projects
1.2.1. Tools
1.2.2. Projects
1.2.3. Media
1.2.4. Games
1.2.5. Culinary
1.2.6. Lifestyle
1.3. Regional & Non-English Language Groups
1.3.1. Africa
1.3.2. Asia Eastern Asia Northern Asia Southern Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia (Middle East)
1.3.3. Australia
1.3.4. Europe Central Europe Eastern Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
1.3.5. North America America Northeast Middle Atlantic New York New England South Canada Central America
1.3.6. South America
1.3.7. Fiber

1. Skycoin Telegram Community

1.1. Official

1.1.1. Skycoin

Skycoin — Building the New Internet
Founded: March 18, 2017
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Lawful @Legitimvs, @Paperstream, Skyfleet @MacSkyver, Moojie @Moojie, & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

The entry point for the Skycoin community. On a semi-regular basis you can find direct updates from Synth, the founder of the Skycoin Project. An area for new users to introduce themselves, chat with long term users, ask general questions, be directed to relevant technical resources detailing Skycoin developments or associated applications, discover Skycoin Fiber currencies plus their projects, and find their own place within the greater Skycoin community. While many other related chats are bustling with regular daily users, this one is by far the most active Skycoin related room on any platform.
For activity statistics on Skycoin’s main room in Telegram, such data is available via Combot & FullyStat. For any other questions you may have, please visit us here in our main chat!

Skycoin Support
Founded: November 2, 2017
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Lawful @Legitimvs, @asxtree, @Paperstream, Moojie @Moojie, & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Experiencing issues with a Skycoin wallet? Don’t worry, simply say hello and state your problem. One of the many admins, developers, or community members will be by to help you through. Your situation may be frustrating, but remember to stay calm and friendly as this is a free service being provided and these are other people on the line. When you’re fixed up and ready to go, maybe shoot them some Skycoin as thanks for the effort.

Skycoin FAQ
: September 2, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, Moojie @Moojie, Amaury Hernández Águila @amherag, @asxtree, & @Paperstream,

Frequently asked questions about all technologies created by the Skycoin Project are answered here. Simply type your query and our bots will identify keywords in your question then respond with a brief informative answer as to what that technology is and does as well as resources for where you can learn more about it. The bots’ responses also contain relevant Telegram rooms for you to join and automatically pings developers and other team members who have worked on or are educated in the relevant tech so they can assist you further in learning how everything here comes together to form a cohesive vision in bringing secure and uncensored internet to the masses and more.

Skyfleet News
Founded: July 29, 2017

Announcement channel. The official media outlet for the Skycoin community on Telegram. Stay up to date with all sorts of important developments.

Skycoin Trading
Founded: August 10, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Moojie @Moojie

An area reserved for price talk, trade discussions, and technical analysis. When users in the main chat begin straying in the direction of wild speculation or moon and Lambo chatter then they’re redirected here.

Skycoin Meetups
Founded: September 27, 2018
Creator: @SkyEvent
Admins: Moojie @Moojie & Lawful @Legitimvs

Welcome to Skycoin Meetups!
This room is for brainstorming ideas and constructive thinking about how to host meetups. If you are interested in hosting, you can either organize your own Skycoin meetup or get involved in a local blockchain/crypto meetup and present Skycoin there. We have a great presentation and several other infographics for you . To get started, review the meetup documents and plan your meetup outline. We have Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian translations available with Portuguese and more incoming. There are also community-made presentations specifically for CX and Skywire. Investigate for local crypto & blockchain groups in your area. These are a great way to meet like-minded people and get involved. Also, if you are thinking about hosting a meetup, presenting at one that is already organized is another way to get started! Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you for hosting and becoming a Skycoin Ambassador!

Skycoin Development
Founded: March 4, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: @Paperstream

Are you a developer? Are you interested in the development of Skycoin, Skywire, Skycoin Fiber, CX, CXO or other powerful libraries, Obelisk, SKY BBS, the SKY DEX, the numerous new hardware products, and more? Here’s where you belong. Read up and ask your questions to figure out how things work and how you can help. Follow the inner workings of Skycoin’s most crucial elements as they evolve. The R&D is strong with SkySuite.

SKY Packages
Founded: June 2, 2019
Creator: Skyfleet @MacSkyver
Admins: @haltingstate, Lawful @Legitimvs, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Moojie @Moojie
Mod: Moses Narrow @moe_narrow

Now with SkyPackages you can find technical support for your inquiries regarding packaged Skycoin software. It’s easier than ever to install your favorite Skycoin software on Linux distros! Community built Debian, Ubuntu, Armbian, and Archlinux packages available. The core dev team built Skybian as the official Skyminer OS. An official SkyOS is incoming as well. More incoming before and after that. Formally verified Alpine and L3 kernels have already been augmented by the team. The official plan is to move to L4 eventually, but all things in due time. These are what will run on the SkyPhone, SkyComp, and possibly other original SkySuite hardware devices.

Skycoin Dev Travis
Founded: April 17, 2018

A tool for the more technically inclined and developers. Automated Travis CI notices are posted here to aid in Skycoin’s development. If you are skilled in Go/Golang then feel free to join up, follow the work, and help where able.

Skycoin Ban Appeal
Founded: February 18, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & @Paperstream

Have you been banned or muted in a Skycoin chatroom?
Appeal the decision & make the case for your innocence here or apologize for your misdeeds.
Convince the court of your good intentions going forward.
Skycoin is not without mercy or justice.
This room is for last resort appeals, not lounging, so don’t join unless absolutely necessary. Hopefully you’ll never have to.

A peak at an early iteration of SKY BBS.

Skycoin BBS Community
Founded: July 16, 2017
Creator: Evan Lin @evanlinjin
Admin: @haltingstate

Get up to date with the latest developments of Skycoin BBS, the incoming decentralized bulletin board system hosted on Skywire. Finally, social media will be both beyond decentralized and impossible to censor.

Skycoin BBS Hosting
Founded: August 24, 2017

Announcement channel. Skycoin BBS Hosting is for keeping up with the list of boards you can connect to over SKY BBS, the bulletin board system. While generally recognized as a social media tool, exchanges in countries with stringent regulations are moving toward adopting BBS for use since fewer restrictions apply to them. Evan Lin @evanlinjin will list your board if you make one so do it as soon as you’re able and get listed as soon as you can.

1.1.2. Skywire

Founded: December 16, 2017
Creator: @prblmchld
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: @asxtree, @Paperstream, & Lawful @Legitimvs

Some of the true heroes in the Skycoin community are the tireless leaders and meshnet enthusiasts found inside the Skywire room. They constantly assist newcomers of every skill level through the process of assembling and configuring their official and DIY Skyminers. Skywire is the largest project currently being spearheaded by the Skycoin team. By building meshnet architecture and custom hardware to replace the current internet, we see how privacy, security, and control are given back to the users who can also receive payments for forwarding each other’s encrypted data packets. Broad in scope and high in aim, Skywire is being realized by many thousands of people around the globe. Once you’ve been helped to get your nodes earning Skycoin and Coin Hours over Skywire, don’t forget to thank or even tip your tech support. This is a labor of love. Another great way to get involved with Skywire is via the Skycoin Wireless User’s Group.
To order an official Skyminer please visit The Skycoin Hardware Store.

Skywire Meta
Founded: August 15, 2018
Admins: @Paperstream & @SkycoinZanshi

This is a space where wider discussions of Skywire’s technical and general workings can take place between newcomers, developers, and collaborators whereas the traditional Skywire room is dedicated to the actual setup of Skywire software systems and Skyminers. Whether it relates to the code, hardware, local legislation, global trends, or new opportunities, this is where the general meshnet conversation happens.

PSA Skywire
Founded: June 18, 2018

Announcement channel. Broadcasting public service announcements for those involved in the Skywire meshnet project. A necessity for anyone partaking in the network’s current testnet phase.

The Skyminer is the backbone of Skywire’s darkmesh internet.

Skywire Official Miners
Founded: January 24, 2018
Admin: @Paperstream

Did you buy an official Skyminer? The bottom of your confirmation email has a private invitation link to this channel dedicated to ensuring you receive quick assistance in getting your Skyminer configured and whitelisted as soon as possible. Thank you for funding the R&D of our hardware, software, dapps, and other emerging technologies!

Skywire Antenna Group
Founded: February 14, 2019
Creator: @haltingstate
Admins: @erichkaestner, Lawful @Legitimvs, @Paperstream, Moojie @Moojie, & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Here we focus upon the development setup for Skywire’s mainnet soft launch and antenna testing. Those with network skills are encouraged to join.

Skywire Mainnet
Founded: March 5, 2019
Creator: @erichkaestner
Admins: Lawful @Legitimvs

Skywire is in a public developer’s mainnet already, but the full public mainnet for the rest of the world is fast approaching. Users here speak of and organize the roll-out of Skywire in their areas, learn from other users, and coordinate with the developers.

1.1.3. CX Development

CX Skycoin General
Founded: September 1, 2017
Creator: Amaury Hernández Águila @amherag
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

CX: The future of blockchain programming.

CX is the new general purpose scripting language created by Skycoin’s veteran developers which is designed for use with blockchains, dapps, games, and much more. CX is deterministic, integrates with blockchains using CX Chains, works with immutable data structures, incorporates our new paradigm of affordances, is compiled and interpreted, uses garbage collection, has a strict typing system, and contains other valuable tools built in with more to come.
CX has multiple powerful libraries associated with it including the CXO immutable objects system, CXFX for its graphics engine, and more being developed. CX is written in and with the syntax of Golang (Go) in order to ensure that both professionals can quickly switch over and newcomers can easily learn the language. As such, developers can easily learn the language and begin using it to create the next generation of blockchain dapps on Fiber using CX Chains. Eventually CX will be written entirely in CX.
The room’s creator, Amaury, wrote the book on CX and much of CX itself. Visit GitHub or Overleaf for the beautifully written new textbook on CX to learn it. In the future we will see more specialized books dedicated to using CX for blockchain, machine learning, game development, and a formalized system for CX education. Watch out for hackathons and courses coming to colleges near you!

Join the CX Labs today!

CX Labs
Founded: April 26, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: @haltingstate & Amaury Hernández Águila @amherag
Mods: Moojie @Moojie & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Programmers gather in the CX Labs to utilize their skills in building dapps with Skycoin’s CX language. By using the CX Chains tools, CX dapps can be integrated with their own Fiber blockchain. Whether it’s a game, a secure messenger, an uncensorable social media outlet, a productivity tool, or anything else you can imagine, CX Labs is your opportunity to create blockchain programs in CX and be rewarded for it.
CX Labs awards are allocated as follows: $2,500 in Skycoin for the top program, $1,500 in Skycoin for the second best program, and a participation award of $300 in Skycoin distributed at the judges’ discretion for all other legitimate submissions along with SkyCred in the Skycoin Rewards program.
The contest is recurring so don’t worry about missing a deadline if your dapp isn’t complete by then, you can submit it next time. You may also resubmit a previous dapp to have it rejudged based upon the improvements and added functionality you’ve made to it. The Skycoin Project rewards progress!

The core of CX Labs is the aforementioned contest. You can additionally earn Skycoin awards in the CX Game Lab by developing games in CX and creating documentation. Prizes of 200 to 1,000 SKY will be paid per game based upon complexity plus how comprehensive and easy to follow each game’s documentation is. Comment on that code! It also consists of the CX Clone Lab which adds extra incentive to replicate the core functions of other cryptocurrencies in CX using CX Chains to show the world that the majority of other projects out there are simply widgets, app-coins, or small scope projects which can be implemented in CX on Fiber and don’t even need their own cryptocurrency attached to them. Projects spawned from the CX Clone Lab are eligible for another >$300 USD of SKY atop the reward for their participation in the core CX Labs competition. Finally, the latest addition is the CX Bio Lab where contestants work directly on the living language of CX by hunting and exterminating bugs to win Skycoin. More information on the new CX Bio Lab will be released soon. Supplementary details on each of these CX Labs programs are available in the room. There are always more ways to earn.
Regular and noteworthy contributors will also be awarded an opportunity to engage with Skycoin’s core developers regarding potential employment. As CX Labs is in part a recruitment tool, special consideration will be made for contestants who stay in regular contact with the CX Labs Manager, providing updates on their CX app efforts. Communication is key for both parties in any working environment. To officially enter the CX Labs program, simply message the CX Labs Manager with your GitHub account link and state what dapp you will be building. Show us all what you can do!

CX Skycoin Game Development
Founded: December 3, 2017
Creator: @haltingstate
Admin: Amaury Hernández Águila @amherag
Mods: Lawful @Legitimvs, Moojie @Moojie, & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

A technical work space for implementing new and classic games in Skycoin’s CX language. Classic Tetris and Pac-Man, Skycoin themed versions of Breakout and Flappy Bird, the much anticipated Skycoin Casino, all written in CX. This is only the beginning, especially with the CXFX graphics engine’s library development coming along so quickly. KittyCash, while not written in CX, is a SkySuite project on Fiber and will eventually be ported to CX along with anything else applicable. Visit us at the GitHub repo for more on how CX can be used to build the games which you’ve been dreaming of. Libraries

Skycoin CXO
Founded: September 1, 2018
Creator: Evan Lin @evanlinjin
Admins: @kostyarin_cxo, Moojie @Moojie, & Lawful @Legitimvs

CXO is a new immutable object system developed for use over Skywire which uses Content Addressable Storage aimed is at Content Delivery Networks. Here you’ll find a technical chatroom for furthering development and understanding of this next generation file sharing protocol. While it doesn’t require CX to be used, it will eventually be wrapped in for even greater power. CXO is ready for you to build new tech with today.

Founded: January 21, 2019
Creator: 2dbug
Admin: Amaury Hernández Águila @amherag
Mods: Lawful @Legitimvs, Moojie @Moojie, & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

CXFX is the graphics and sound library for our CX programming language. Capable of beautifully rendered objects and environments, projectiles, and more. Use the CXFX engine to build immutable games in 3D! Show Skyfleet and the rest of the cryptosphere what you can create with this new library.

See what’s already possible with the CXFX graphics engine! This is only the beginning. Come build your own expansive game worlds!

Founded: May 10, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Brandon Koerner @Geoffrey_Kublin, Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & @Paperstream

The CX Mathematics & the CX Standard Library are new personal passion projects of Koerner’s. CXM aims to provide tools and functionality for the computation and visualization of complex multi-physics simulation, bringing additional value to CXFX’s graphics engine for games, scientific research applications, and more. Read his article on CXM for more information straight from the source. CXSL seeks to create a greater trove of resources for developers to assist in standardizing and accelerating their development of CX dapps. It will provide general purpose algorithms, data structures, and other tools for manipulation as well as general development. CXM is being wrapped into SkyML, our community-made machine learning technology which is being forged for fun and for science.

1.1.4. Bounty Programs

Skycoin Rewards
Founded: March 4, 2018
Creator: Skyfleet @MacSkyver
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, @Paperstream, Moojie @Moojie, & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: Joel Cuthriell @joelcuthriell

Are you trying to earn some Skycoin? Do you want to contribute to the community? Skycoin Rewards is the program for you! Write an article, make an infographic, put together a video, record a song, help advertise SkySuite’s technologies, host a meet-up, create some artwork or memes, or do whatever you want, but make sure to submit your efforts for judgement by the panel in exchange for SkyCred! SkyCred works as tickets in a monthly raffle for portions of a pot of $3,000 USD of Skycoin plus a jackpot and other rewards.
If you have any questions then please forward them to the SRP Manager, Professor Kubyashi.
Put forth your best efforts and enter the Skycoin Rewards contest today!

Skycoin Bounty Program
Founded: August 15, 2017
Admins: @Paperstream, @asxtree, Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: BigOokie @BigOokie & @Geodesix

Do you want to earn some Skycoin without having to buy it? There are numerous open bounties for media production from making videos and advertisements to writing articles, making infographics and memes, translating the numerous whitepapers and official blog posts explaining Skycoin and its associated technologies, helping with the 3D printing work for Skywire robots and other projects, building CX+Fiber dapps in CX Labs, or even getting a job at Skycoin. Help Skycoin, Skywire, and CX gain more footing in the public sphere while also being rewarded for your efforts. Visit the Skycoin Blog’s bounty post for more info and to start earning SKY. It’s also suggested that you simply join the room and read the pinned message for an up to date variety of ways to earn by contributing to the project.
Earning Skycoin has never been easier!

Skyfleet Bounty
Founded: June 21, 2019
: Lawful @Legitimvs
: Moojie @Moojie & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

This space is dedicated to members of Skyfleet who seek others willing to buy or sell services in exchange for Skycoin or Coin Hours. Remember, these are not official Skycoin bounties! Official Skycoin work can be found in @SkycoinBounty and jobs can be applied for at Caveat emptor. Buyer (and worker) beware. Request an admin to perform escrow for payment upon work completion unless you already know and trust the other party involved. Help one another and do good works.
Be reasonable. Be fair. Be safe. Earn Skycoin!

Skycoin Graphics
Founded: August 10, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Moojie @Moojie & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

This fun channel is dedicated to the ongoing Skycoin Graphics Contests. Every so often a new theme is chosen and the community competes to generate the funniest, highest quality, and relevant pieces of work they can muster. Even some quality songs have been submitted. Infographic contests are held as well in order to ease the spread technical knowledge of the SkySuite consortium and how its many associated technologies work. Winners are ranked by judges or the community and awarded a proportional amount of Skycoin for their efforts. Join up to show off your creative skills. This is where you can find all of the official stock imagery and artwork from the Skycoin team as well as years of art, memes, and infographics made by the global Skyfleet community.
The previous Skycoin Graphics Contest has now been rolled into the Skycoin Rewards Program, so earning Skycoin has never been more fun or profitable!

Skycoin 3D Printers
Founded: January 27, 2019
Creator: Moojie @Moojie
Admins: @haltingstate, @Paperstream, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @victorcremailh, Daniel White @benji241, & @SkyReV

This room has been developed into a place for where 3D printers, designers, modelers and engineers can assist with the hardware side of the Skycoin Project. Perhaps the crowning achievement of our 3D printers so far is the Skywire Battle Bots! Yes, we know…[insert Skynet joke here]. There’s a test print package, a current bounty document, and a variety of robotics, tools, DIY Skyminer cases, DIY antennae parts, and other bits waiting to be designed. Put your 3D printer to good use and get paid to play with those pricey plastics. Check out Thingiverse for a handful of the community’s creations which you can make and put to use today.

Enjoy this whimsical Skycoin cloud keychain fob!

Join us here for presentation resources and ideas on how to start a local group of your own. Meet-ups are great ways to branch out, expand your Web-of-Trust, help others get started with Skycoin and Skywire, and learn something new yourself. Get your hands on a PowerPoint presentation in your native language. Find the graphics for flyers, posters, banners, brochures, stickers, and more. Come talk over your plans for a local meet-up with people who have organized and held such meetings before.

Skycoin Ambassadors
Founded: June 24, 2019
Creator: Skyfleet @MacSkyver
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs

Become a Skycoin Ambassador! Engage in outreach, education, and assistance in getting Skycoin, Skywire, and CX into communities, corporations, and curriculums. Represent your favorite aspect of the SkySuite ecosystem to help spread awareness in your area of technical expertise for rewards.
Skyfleet wants you!

1.1.5. Fiber Platform

Skycoin Fiber
Founded: December 16, 2017
Creator: @xiphneo
Admin: @haltingstate
Mod: @prblmchld*wD3gaLhvVYpPq8SD4oPjpA.jpeg

Skycoin Fiber encompasses all projects and dapps which have their own private blockchain and cryptocurrency built & operated using Skycoin technologies. This gives Skycoin’s Fiber platform its infinite scalability and enables free transactions on each chain. Originally, the whole family of projects built on Skycoin technology was called SkyLedger. Since then, that name has been given away for use in referring to a group of unaffiliated Chinese coins which form their own small family within the much broader and global scope of what is now called Skycoin Fiber. Remember, not all Fiber coins or projects can be identified as many are currently not public and even under NDAs. Giving each project its own independent blockchain enables such privacy as a side effect of Fiber’s infinite scalability. Some industrial entities, stealth start-up companies without names or websites, governmental organizations, militaries, banks, NGOs, P3s, and other groups don’t need or want their databases or coins to be public. Just like your traffic on Skywire, your Fiber project can be private as well!

Founded: December 15, 2017
Creator: @haltingstate
Admins: @doubleunderscore, @atarijaguar, & Ivan Haidutski @ivan_haidutski
Mod: Lawful @Legitimvs

KittyCash is a non-fungible blockchain asset technology merged with a video game which is currently in development as part of the SkySuite. A breeding and collectible cat game with battling and other mini-games to come. Think of it as the spiritual successor to Crypto Kitties amalgamated with Tamagotchi, NeoPets, and a few others. With its own Fiber blockchain, KittyCash will never congest like its predecessors. Arm, battle, dress, breed, trade, and compete with other users and their cats but especially remember to heal and feed your kitties or you’ll have to kiss them goodbye. KittyCash even has its own hardware device in development so you can take your precious cats with you.

KittyCash Auction
Founded: February 25, 2018
Creator: @doubleunderscore
Admins: @erichkaestner & Lawful @Legitimvs

The official auction house for Legendary Cats in KittyCash. Discussion free zone. Many Legendary Cats have sold for the equivalent of 1 Bitcoin in Skycoin when the former was trading at over $10,000 USD. Auctions take place in Skycoin. Digital cats are not intended to be investment vehicles. Funds generated from sales go toward continuing development of the KittyCash gaming system.

KittyCash News
Founded: March 14, 2018

Announcement channel. Official news source of the KittyCash project. Unused as of yet. Stay tuned for future updates. KittyCash developers will return soon but their skills are needed elsewhere at the moment.

KittyCash Exchange
Founded: June 11, 2018
Creator: @doubleunderscore
Admin: @erichkaestner

A trading and auction house for regular KittyCash cats between users using Skycoin. See a cat you’d like? Step on up and place your bets.

KittyCash Root Group
Founded: June 5, 2018
Creator: Moojie @Moojie
Admin: @doubleunderscore
Mod: @Beast101

A group dedicated to arranging KittyCash breeding sessions between user’s digital cats. A great way to try to get the traits you want out of your cats and resell them or their offspring on the open market.

MDL Talent Hub (EN)
Founded: November 10, 2017
Creator: @Dimitry_Doronin
Admins: @morphium_h, @NastyaMas, Nathan Horn @nathanhorn, & Dmitry Timokhin

MDL, or My Daily Life, has several Telegram chats, this being its main and English language one. A system for talent sourcing, performers and artists are able to independently advertise and sell their skill sets at their own rates to venues and event organizers in a manner which eliminates many of the issues typical to the industry. MDL was the first organization to gain a live video interview with Synth, Skycoin’s co-founder and public face, when he revealed himself to the world. MDL isn’t just for actors, models, dancers, and musicians in the entertainment sector. Anyone who wishes to monetize their hobby and skills, from writers and painters to carpenters and sculptors, can find a space to make themselves known.

Solar Bankers ☀ (SLB)
Founded: August 8, 2017
Creator: Solar Bankers @SolarBankersTelegram
Admin: @n_oleksandrivna
Mods: @Gumler & @joeltheman

Solar Bankers is currently the most developed of the publicly disclosed microgrid and energy utility projects in Skycoin Fiber’s ecosystem. SLB also offers hardware products. They are producing a range of models of newly patented solar panels, including their photovoltaic Solarnode. Users can generate and resell electricity to one another across microgrids using SLB.

Solar Bankers Trader
Founded: April 15, 2018
Creator: Solar Bankers @SolarBankersTelegram
Mod: @joeltheman

The Solar Bankers price speculation channel and trading room for arranging peer-to-peer deals with SLB. You are advised to ask for escrow services. Any direct deals are done entirely at your own risk. For top security in your trades, use the exchanges.

Solar Bankers Merch Ideas
Founded: June 5, 2018
Creator: @joeltheman
Admins: Solar Bankers @SolarBankersTelegram & @n_oleksandrivna

Originally created as part of the Solar Bankers t-shirt design contest, this area now tentatively remains open for future contests and for the users to share their own designs and ideas for what they’d like to see in the way of merchandising.

Distributed Blocks
Founded: June 3, 2018
Creator: @Distributed_Blocks
Admin: Solar Bankers @SolarBankersTelegram
Mod: @joeltheman

Distributed Blocks was formed by the Solar Bankers group in an effort to use and augment pre-existing Skycoin technologies to further grow and provide the tools necessary for facilitating the development of new projects across Skycoin Fiber. DIST aims to assist companies and projects with launching well thought out, reliable, and functioning ICOs by assisting them through conception and design of these systems to their deployment.

Founded: September 3, 2018
Creator: @Distributed_Blocks
Admin: @AlexSolarBankers
Mod: Wolfgang Pinegger

Global & Local Brain was established by the people behind Solar Bankers and Distributed Blocks, offering a handful of resources. GLBrain hosts three main services, the self-titled one being a content and community building arena, GLMall which is a fee-less market for products, jobs, services, and real estate, plus myLife which acts as its social media arm.

Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: Jeremy Samuel @JeremySamuel
Admin: @AlexSolarBankers
Mods: @Bainers, @RishiKher, @DavidFotios, @Kezzam, & Ralph Talmont

Come here to begin discussing Metalicion, the CMX (Crypto Metals Exchange), precious metals, and the mining of ores. Yes, good old fashioned mining without CPU, GPU, or ASIC machines. Support a mining project and get your metal bars in the mail.

Metalicoin Private Trades
Founded: February 27, 2018
Creator: @RishiKher
Admin: Jeremy Samuel @JeremySamuel
Mods: @Bainers, @DavidFotios, @Kezzam, Ralph Talmont, & @joeltheman

Individuals looking to partake in peer-to-peer METL trades may advertise, haggle, and arrange their exchanges here. Request escrow services. Any and all trades done directly peer-to-peer are done at your own risk. For true security, simply use an exchange.

METL KYC Support
Founded: May 30, 2018
Creator: Jeremy Samuel @JeremySamuel
Mods: @RishiKher & @Bainers

Metalicoin is going through the process of performing the KYC compliance measures which its team has chosen to complete as part of their due diligence for operating within the global precious metals market with cryptocurrency. This is the place to take care of anything related to these proceedings which you may need to learn about.

Founded: October 26, 2017
Creator: @WynnYann
Admins: @MihaiWill & @jlxiong
Mods: Moojie @Moojie, @henghengbf, @ghostofprofessor, & @joeltheman

SPACO is one of the projects within Skycoin Fiber which comprises a hardware component. Their SPOminer will be used over the Skywire network to provide hosting and storage services alongside and complementing the Skyminer’s processing and forwarding intensive systems. The SPACO team has cooperated with Skycoin development on several occasions and has also risen right back up from a company split and loss of resources, proving their dedication and intention to keep on creating valuable systems for everyone.
Now merged with LunarX, a universal middleware developer, they’re both looking stronger than ever.

SPO-Bounty Plan
Founded: December 14, 2017
Creator: @WynnYann

Want to earn SPO? Contribute to the project and be rewarded. Spaco has a lot of work lined up for those who are interested. Put your Banana Pi to work!


Founded: December 5, 2017
Creator: Jane Zhang @shjanezhang
Admin: @Demeter

Shellcoin is the core coin of Shellpay which intends to build an application ecosystem through Zhang’s SkyLedger family of products which are not officially associated with or to be considered a part of the Skycoin Project simply based off of the SkyLedger name.

1.2. Offshoot Communities & Side Projects

1.2.1. Tools

Wing Commander [Dev & Support]
Founded: August 8, 2018
Creator: BigOokie @BigOokie
Admin: Moojie @Moojie

Once again, BigOokie has taken it upon himself to do a great service to the greater Skycoin and Skywire community. Wing Commander is an open source Telegram bot written in GO, the language upon which Skycoin’s very own CX language was modeled. Here our users and developers focus upon the development, features, and testing of the Wing Commander bot. Its purpose is to help Skywire service providers manage their Skyminers and immediately know of any service interruptions, whether they are possess official units or any of the incredibly varied DIY builds. Visit the code repo and read the documentation to learn more and help design this wonderful tool.

Skyfleet News
Founded: January 9, 2019
Creator: Skyfleet @MacSkyver

Announcement channel. Follow news, major and minor, relating to all facets of Skycoin, Skywire, CX, other SkySuite technologies, proprietary hardware releases, community engagement programs, development updates, interviews with team members, local meet-ups around the globe, and anything else you could want to know.

Skyfleet Network
Founded: June 16, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Movers, shakers, technicians, experts, and more of Skyfleet from across the globe coordinate here for the betterment of Skycoin, Skywire, CX, and each other. Share your area of expertise and orchestrate with other motivated individuals, expanding your own Web-of-Trust.

Skyfleet Academy
Founded: November 15, 2018
Creator: BigOokie @BigOokie
Admin: Moojie @Moojie

Skyfleet is made of men and women of action. People who are willing to go out and do things rather than talking and hoping. Skycoin, Skywire, and CX are always in need of more developers and that’s why the new Academy was formed. Members gather here to gather and share resources and tips along their journeys of self education to become developers themselves in service of the project. Self betterment is important but so is bettering the world around you. Contribute to the creation of the first truly free internet today by joining up and learning new skills in CX, Go, Python, Bash, Angular 2, and React.js. If you’re already skilled in Go then come grab a free copy of Skycoin’s CX language textbook and get right to it!

Skycoin Social Media
Founded: June 22, 2019

Announcement channel. Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook posts from the official Skycoin channels are automatically amalgamated here by Skybots.

1.2.2. Projects

Physical Skycoin Limited Edition Collectible Coin
Founded: April 13, 2018
Admins: @allcap, @Thomasclev, & @cascano

An officially sanctioned community passion project which began on Kickstarter. There is now a dedicated online store at where crypto payments are accepted. Several members of Skyfleet wanted to show their appreciation for the Skycoin ecosystem by creating physical Skycoins for everyone to hold in their hands and show off to friends, family, or strangers.
The first batch from the fundraiser has been distributed. The products are finished and have made many a happy customer across Skyfleet. Stretch goals were also unlocked via Kickstarter and so the plastic cases, gold stamped satin pouches, and Skyfleet badges were each put into production as bonus gifts for all supporters. The first batch of coins was produced with unique identifying codes and certificates to prove that their purchasers were among the first on Earth to possess a physical Skycoin. There are 18k gold plated Skycoins, 99.99% pure silver or gold Skycoins, glass Obelisk obelisks, glass Obelisk cubes, and Skyfleet badges. More memorabilia to be created in the future.
Get yours today!

Take to the SKY with Skyfleet!

Skycoin War Room
Founded: November 7, 2018
Creator: @haltingstate

Corrupt admins on Wikipedia, Facebook, and elsewhere have been systematically dismantling or shadowbanning Skycoin pages and users as well as removing pages for related technologies and protocols which existed before it, not to mention the pages of other cryptocurrencies. Skyfleet has mobilized, now drafting and enacting battle plans to fight censorship, corruption, and lies being perpetrated against the project and associated pages across all social media outlets on the legacy internet.

Sticker BLAST!
Founded: January 8, 2019
Creator: Daken Freeborn @SkyEvent
Admins: Skyfleet @MacSkyver, Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @SofriaW, @juliansky2012, & @Cryptobel

Skycoin takes to the streets with guerrilla marketing! Skyfleet gathers here to order a variety of stickers, share graphics and templates for printing off their own batches, and share where they’ve slapped their little ads along their travels. Users are also bound to post photos of where they’ve found other people’s Skycoin, Skywire, or KittyCash stickers in the wild. Come get some stickers then make sure to share them with your friends, family, strangers, and city!

Skywire DIY
Founded: September 5, 2018
Creator: @stijnverwoerd
Admins: @asxtree, Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs

How do you turn trash to gold? Teach the world how to use what’s around them to build a meshnet from scraps. Do you have hardware or software skills? Do you want to help design or organize Skywire setups across the poorest regions of the Earth? The Skywire DIY group aims to create disseminate guides on how people anywhere can use the garbage and scraps around them to assemble antennas and receivers in true DIY fashion. While initially focusing on the Skycoin Africa group, this is a global project. Wokfi, cantennae, Yagi-Uda, and any other telecom infrastructure which you can build from scrap belongs here.

Sky Makers
Founded: March 31, 2018
Creator: @Gumler
Admins: @Paperstream, Moojie @Moojie, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs

Skyfleet wants Skywire, Skycoin, CX, and its other technologies to spread far and wide. Our people and our project are extremely interested in making a variety of real world hardware products with hard applications. For that reason, Sky Makers was born. Branching out into potential uses such as VANETs, ATMs, phones, gaming systems and media centers, public phones, and more, Sky Makers aims to implement and integrate Skycoin, Skywire, CX, and other technologies wherever able.

Founded: March 31, 2018
Creator: @Gumler
Admins: @asxtree, Moojie @Moojie, & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: BigOokie @BigOokie & @scafold

The Skystation is a community passion project envisioned as a media platform. Streaming music, movies, TV shows, and playing video games via emulators are the goals of the community. Eventually the goal is to host a Skycoin version of YouTube made in CX Labs, run games like KittyCash, and utilize the CXO protocol for content distribution.

1.2.3. Media

Skybrary Reading Room
Founded: June 17, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @haltingstate
Mod: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

The Skycoin book club. Our community and developers read lots of interesting materials. The Skybrary is where you can easily find the many quality books mentioned in any Skycoin chatroom all gathered into one place along with ones listed only here. Share your favorite classic, a hidden gem, or even an interesting scientific paper. The vast majority of books referenced are accompanied by links to online archives where you can legally download them for free in a variety of formats. Find new favorite books on history, medicine, science fiction, technical guides, political biographies, spy thrillers, and more from the shelves of the lead Skycoin developers and active community members. Join the reading society.

Skybrary Archive
Founded: June 17, 2018

Announcement channel. The Skybrary Reading Room’s book depo. All of the books, links, scientific literature, and reference materials — none of the chat.

Founded: August 30, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Where Skyfleet comes together to share upcoming movies and shows they’re interested in. Discuss old favorites and discover new ones. Post trailers for something which intrigues you. Whatever your country is making or has made, share the classics with film buffs and cinephiles in Skyfleet.

Founded: June 21, 2019
Creator: @Geoffrey_Kublin
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: Moses Narrow @moe_narrow

Skyfleet shares and chats about their favorite TV shows and miniseries from around the world. Post your own country’s best productions, recommend a classic, or find something new. Your ability to Skyflix and chill over Skywire will be here soon enough.

Skycoin Propagandists
Founded: June 4, 2018
Creator: @GotStMiklos

A club for Skycoin users to share new or old movies and television series. The content is usually slanted toward psychological and spy thrillers, dystopian fiction, science fiction, and the political. Come on over and share your favorite flicks, books, articles, or declassified documents regarding brainwashing.

Founded: August 30, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Moojie @Moojie

Skyfleet members are sharing their favorite music of any genre from across the globe and all of history. Stop on by, share a tune, and discover something new. Have you written a song for Skycoin? You’re not alone there! Share your work with Skyfleet. Everyone would love to hear it.

1.2.4. Games

Friendly Platypus Coin Hour Games
Founded: November 28, 2018
Creator: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi
Admin: @GoldXT
Mod: Daniel White @benji241

Welcome to the Skycoin and Coin Hour giveaway game channel run by GoldXT! Our favorite friendly platypus has “too many” Coin Hours and is always holding some sort of contest to get rid of them. Feel free to come hold your own SKY and SCH related giveaways here too!

Skycoin Poker (Unofficial)
Founded: July 23, 2018
Creator: @Eoghan2

No limit Texas Hold’em poker with Omaha as an option and a buy-in and pot where only Skycoin is used. Winner takes all. Buy-backs are enabled only if there are twelve players or more. Tournament structuring supersedes winner takes all when there are enough players for various games or if the buy-in is higher than normal. Games are organized only on group accepted free-to-play platforms.

1.2.5. Culinary

Skycoin Recipes
Founded: October 12, 2018
Creator: @Paperstream
Mods: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, Lawful @Legitimvs, Moojie @Moojie, & @asxtree

The proverbial kitchen where Skyfleet recharges with good home cooking. A long day of cryptocurrency research, trading, teaching, building nodes, and programming requires a solid meal. With users from around the world, there are bound to be recipes which you’ve never seen before and will want to try out. Make sure there’s enough (Skycoin) Fiber in your diet!

Skyfleet’s Meats
Founded: March 30, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi & Moojie @Moojie

Skyfleet loves meat but we know that not everyone feels the same way. For this reason we’ve quarantined the products of our BBQ, roast, sous-vide, pan searing, and other cook-off adventures so that those who are interested in meats, cuts, and preparation techniques can still enjoy themselves as much as ever. Stop on by Skyfleet’s Meats and post your own Proof of Steak!

SKY Brewers
Founded: August 28, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Brewers, distillers, and drinkers of discerned tastes welcome. A brewhouse and barroom. Share your recipes, equipment, books, brewing photos, and final products with Skyfleet. Give advice to fledgling brewers or learn a few new tricks for your own benefit. Cheers!

1.2.6. Lifestyle

How many Skyminers can you bench?

Founded: June 18, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Skyfleet wants to stay fit. So should you. Enlist with the SKY FIT crew to become the best you possible. Just as you deserve the best crypto in the world, you and Skycoin both deserve the best you in the world. Strengthen that grip and hold on to your bags for as long as you can. Benching Skyminers is just the beginning. Make us proud. Discover and share workout regimens, dietary plans, and supplements with others.

Apocalypse Almost
Founded: March 24, 2019
Creator: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Skyfleet loves security. That said, this fascination doesn’t relegate itself to only hardware and software security, its extends itself to all sorts of other skills and practices. Survivalism, self-sufficiency, and security are paramount to a safe life. Learn what it takes to live comfortably and prepare yourself against all threats.

Skycoin Worldwide

1.3. Regional & Non-English Language Groups

1.3.1. Africa

Skycoin Afrique
Founded: August 29, 2018
Creator: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi
Admins: Moojie @Moojie & Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: Blévenec Martinien @Blevenec

Official. Bonjour! A French language room for the wider Francophone African community. Regionally based in Benin but welcome to all in West Africa and beyond to organize and share their knowledge.

Skycoin Nigeria
Founded: November 30, 2018
Creator: @saintsanmi
Mods: charles bivins @bivins1 & Blévenec Martinien @Blevenec

Unofficial. Skycoin is dedicated to spreading far and wide across Africa. Skywire is already bringing some people in Nigeria an affordable and secure internet service which cannot be censored along with a simple source of passive income.

Skycoin South Africa
Founded: June 26, 2018
Creator: @Duiker
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @geoffn & @ali2star

Unofficial. The rainbow nation has been reached by Skyfleet! Do you speak one of the 11 official languages or any of the regional ones? Feel free to stop by and coordinate with your fellow countrymen to establish your Skywire network and learn from one another.

1.3.2. Asia Eastern Asia

Skycoin Japanese
Founded: January 6, 2018
Creator: @MelchisedechFRTMesserschmitt
Admins: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: @Yamadaman3000

Unofficial. Skycoin Nippon. Japanese language group. Skycoin recently released a kanji translation of the wallet since Japan’s so wild for solid crypto. Skyfleet is strong in Japan, Land of the Rising SKY!

Skycoin Korea
Founded: March 27, 2018
Creator: @yawong
Admins: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: @kyunim114

Unofficial. 안녕하세요! Korean language group. Make sure to visit the Korean translation of the Skycoin Blog at Get the Korean translation of the meet-up PowerPoint presentation as well! The South Korean Skycoin community is also at Northern Asia

Skycoin на русском
Founded: September 6, 2017
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @c1337, @morphium_h, @dimayesarev, @loreland, & @re_alm

Unofficial. Russian language group. From Baikal in Siberia to the capital in Moscow, Skyfleet is establishing itself across the Russian oblasts and hinterlands. Southern Asia

Skycoin India
Founded: July 22, 2018
Admin: @IronBrotherz
Mod: @mukundsuthar

Unofficial. All Hindi dialects welcome. Skycoin India welcomes anyone in the region who understands the pertinent issues of the local government as it relates to internet freedom and the need for Skywire or simply wants to learn more about Skycoin. South-Eastern Asia

Skycoin South East Asia
Founded: October 22, 2018
Creator: Skyfleet @MacSkyver

Official. Skycoin’s South East Asia coordination group. Brunei, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam all gather here to spread Skywire across their borders, from Mainland Southeast Asia into Maritime Southeast Asia.

Skycoin Indonesia
Founded: October 29, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admins: @IronBrotherz & Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi
Mods: G Dub (Cryptoversial) @Cryptoversial

Official. Salam! Skycoin’s Balinese, or Indonesian, regional and local language group. Come connect with the local Skycoin team and others in your area to build your Skywire network! Western Asia (Middle East)

Skycoin Israel
Founded: December 22, 2018
Creator: @haltingstate
Admin: @AlanTH

Official. Israeli forces coordinate here to cover the Holy Land in immutable meshnet technology while spreading Skycoin, CX, and other SkySuite tech.

Skycoin Turkey
Founded: April 9, 2018
Creator: @drnkk
Admins: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @Posssesssed & @demiculus

Unofficial. The Turkish language group for Skycoin and Skywire. The Middle East knows full well the values of meshnet technology and cryptocurrency. As such, they’ve proven ready to adapt and adopt the future of crypto, Skycoin, and the future of mesh internet, Skywire. Help bring freedom of information to a place which needs it direly.

1.3.3. Australia

Skycoin — Australia
Founded: February 15, 2018
Creator: Moojie @Moojie
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: Skyfleet @MacSkyver, @Paperstream, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Lawful @Legitimvs

Official. Skycoin has a solid presence across Australia and it’s growing larger every day. From Perth to Melbourne and well beyond, Australia and Australasia have a strong community dedicated starting meetups & building out the Skywire network. Simply look at or join the opt-in (and thus only partial) list of Skyfleet members’ nodes on the AUS Skyminer Map to see where you can find friends in Skycoin to connect your node’s antennae to!

1.3.4. Europe Central Europe

Skycoin CZ/SK Community
Founded: September 4, 2018
Creator: Ondra Sněhulák @sn3hul4k
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: @dzindra

Unofficial. Ahoj! Czech Republic and Slovakia. A Czech, Slovak, German, Hungarian, Yiddish, and Rusyn language group.

Skycoin Germany
Founded: August 12, 2018
Creator: @Paperstream
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: Christian Ott @footballelixir

Official. Gutentag! Skycoin’s German language group is here! This empire of engineers in the heart of Europe has found and appreciated sound technology when they saw it, seizing upon the SkySuite to build with.

Skycoin Polska
Founded: July 6, 2018
Creator: @offgreed
Admins: Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. Witaj! Poland’s Polish language group.

Skycoin Romania
Founded: April 13, 2018
Creator: @CucRomania
Admin: @asxtree
Mods: @mboeru & @Lekri

Unofficial. Salut! Romanian language group. Northern Europe

Skycoin Nordic
Founded: January 27, 2018
Creator: @NarwaleAmongUnicorns
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mods: @ingwa, @tronton99, & stillseif @stillseif

Official. Hallo! Norwegian and Swedish language group. Norway gets together here to establish local and international Skywire networks across Scandinavia. Southern Europe

Skycoin Italia
Founded: April 9, 2018
Creator: Edoardo Coen @Engomix
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Official. Salve! Italian language group. The Skycoin Project has an active Italian community. Help Skyfleet overtake the ancient Mediterranean civilizations with Skywire. SPQR!

Skycoin Spain
Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: @ivanpayan
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. Spanish language group. Bienvenido a la comunidad de Skycoin España! Blog en español: El propósito de este grupo es de crear una comunidad en España que ayude a difundir los beneficios de este proyecto y apoyar a todo aquel que quiera colaborar en la construcción de la red de Skycoin.

Skycoin Desarrolladores (SKY)
Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: @ivanpayan
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. Skycoin’s Spanish speaking community of developers gather here from Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, and elsewhere around the world. They work to improve Skycoin, Skywire, CX, and use CX to build dapps to augment the Fiber ecosystem. Western Europe

Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: @doubleunderscore
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Official. Hallo! Citizens of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg’s BENELUX union gather here to form a Western European Skycoin and Skywire team. All Dutch, Luxembourgish, French, & German speakers welcome. Join up to discuss local projects, developments, laws, Skywire meet-ups, and other regional issues.

Skycoin France
Founded: December 28, 2017
Creator: @christiankakesa
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: @SkyEvent

Unofficial. Bonjour! Check out Skycoin Paris for meetups at! Skyfleet welcomes all those who take the initiative to connect with their local communities.

Skycoin London/UK
Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: @LDNcrypto
Admins: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, Moojie @Moojie, & Lawful @Legitimvs

Official. Cheerio! Everyone in London, the City of London, and the whole of the UK are welcome to come chat about all things Skycoin related. Arrange a meetup in the heart of the old empire. The sun never sets on Skywire!

1.3.5. North America America

Skycoin America
: October 25, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi

Official. Skycoin, Skywire, and CX events and coordination in America. Updates on conferences, legislation, and other developments in the United States. Over 750 communities in the US have built their own broadband networks already so we’re out to recruit and connect them all. Northeast Middle Atlantic New York

Skycoin New York
Founded: June 4, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @haltingstate
Mods: @Paperstream, Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi, & Moojie @Moojie

Official. The Skycoin Project is coordinating a dedicated push in NYC for the roll-out of the Skywire meshnet. Once NYC is covered then the rest of New York will follow suit. The whole Eastern seaboard is next. Whether you’re in the boroughs or on the border of the state, Skycoin New York is the best place for you to organize with your local community, learn more, and find folks to link antennae with so you can begin earning passive income in Coin Hours.

Skywire NYC
Founded: June 30, 2019
Creator: Joel Cuthriell @joelcuthriell
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. A community member created this geo-fenced group for attracting Telegram’s NYC residents in preparation for the roll-out of Skywire across the area. If you’re using Telegram and you’re in New York City then come find us. First NYC, next the Eastern seaboard.

Founded: October 15, 2018
Creator: @cryptkeeper_mod

Unofficial. New York City’s citizenry, cover the sprawling expanse of your mega-city with free and private internet. New England

Skycoin New England
Founded: January 31, 2019
Creator: @cryptkeeper_mod
Admin: @FreedomDomains

Unofficial. Welcome to Skycoin New England. Skyfleet is here to bring together the people of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. South

Skywire Florida
: January 17, 2019
Creator: @Dontezuma

Unofficial. A community-made group for connecting Skyminers in Florida.

Skywire Texas
Founded: January 3, 2018
Creator: @juliansky2012
Admins: @Paperstream & Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. The Texan Skywire community is here! Texas has a strong history of independence so we’re excited to see the Lone Star State declare independence from ISPs and telecoms by building a meshnet of Skyminers. Don’t forget to follow this group on their Twitter page as well. Canada

Skycoin Alberta
Founded: July 5, 2019
Creator: @frayd
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs

Unofficial. Welcome to Skycoin Alberta! Make sure to join Skyfleet’s local Skycoin Meetup group in Calgary.

Western Canadian Crypto Alliance
Founded: June 4, 2019
Creator: @Rat_aargh
Admin: Lawful @Legitimvs
Mod: @frayd

Unofficial. Western Canada’s Skycoin fan club. A collaborative effort to bridge the Western provinces and territories together with the Skywire meshnet. Central America

Skycoin Puerto Rico
Founded: October 29, 2018
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @IamSkyknight

Official. The Puerto Rican channel. Spanish and English language group. Join the commonwealth!

1.3.6. South America

Skycoin Brasil
Founded: June 4, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: Professor Kubyashi @ProfessorKubyashi
Mod: @Jonmetropolitan

Official. Olá! Portuguese language channel for the population of beautiful Brasil. Both the people South America and the continent’s institutions have been keen to adopt Skycoin so we’re glad to help them too. Connect with locals and establish your regional Skyfleet community.

Skycoin Venezuela
Founded: February 13, 2019
Creator: Lawful @Legitimvs
Admin: @IamSkyknight

Official. The governmental and economic crises in Venezuela has people begging through both public and official channels for our revolutionary Skycoin and Skywire technologies focused on stability, freedom, and prosperity. ¡Viva la Revolución!

1.3.7. Fiber

KittyCash France
Founded: September 8, 2018
Creator: @doubleunderscore
Admin: @erichkaestner

Official. Bonjour, dans le groupe Français KittyCash! French language group for the KittyCash game.

MDL Talent Hub (CN)
Founded: April 12, 2018
Creator: @dimitry_doronin
Admins: @morphium_h & @dtimokhin
Mod: @joeltheman

Official. 人才采购业信托链. MDL’s Mandarin, Cantonese, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese language room.

MDL Talent Hub (IND)
Founded: April 7, 2018
Creator: @bimoxa
Admin: @dimitry_doronin
Mod: @joeltheman

Official. MDL’s regional and room for Indonesia. A Balinese and Indonesian language group.

MDL Talent Hub (RU)
Founded: April 21, 2018
Creator: @dimitry_doronin
Admin: @morphium_h

Official. MDL’s Cyrillic text room for the Russian language and nation.

If that’s not enough for you, don’t worry. There are still more Skycoin rooms hiding about on Telegram and SKY BBS is right around the corner. This is also only the first in a series of Skycoin Community Maps. For more, please visit Part II at Skycoin Community Maps: Official Outlets and Part III at Skycoin Community Maps: Skyfleet Online.
As for the Skycoin Project’s community on Telegram, it has also expanded to include a writer’s guild, an ARG creation project, a barroom for idle talk, a few chats for discussing world events, the infamous cat meme sharing room(s), a memetic warfare division, a spot dedicated to the Wild West of crypto, even groups for people who are fans of specific models of cars, various game channels, plus even more and still others yet to come in the future as we and Skyfleet continue to expand in size.
There have been numerous rooms for various contests in the past so if you want a crossword, word search, puzzles, or coloring pages for your kids or yourself then simply ask around.
This Skycoin Community Map for Telegram is only the first in a series. No matter what you’re looking for you can rest assured that Skycoin has it or will in the days ahead. Soon enough we’ll be debuting the SKY BBS and from there on out things are only going to grow further and faster on the first truly decentralized social media platform which no one can censor.

Use and share this community map with all those you know who are interested in the future of the first truly free internet and its currency, Skywire and Skycoin.

Welcome to Skyfleet.

Skycoin Community Maps: Telegram was last updated on October 22, 2019.

This list will be updated periodically so stay tuned!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

CX Labs Manager & Head Community Manager at Skycoin.