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Medium humor. Large laughs.
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Greg Gueldner told me that I didn’t have an expense account.
Twenty Rules for a Successful Publication on Medium

Ah, revisionist history par excellence.

Mr. Gutbloom, as I stated in our one-on-one in the third floor tai chi room (which, yes, is overwhelmingly musty due to the flooding of the fifth floor immersion tank), Chevron has over 8,000 locations in the US alone, and over 19,000 retail locations worldwide under both the Chevron…

There’s No Need to Kill Babies to Kill Baby Hitler

Well, it didn’t take long. John Battelle said that 2016 would be a breakout year for Medium and this week Medium has given birth to a new “thing”; the longform meme. You can watch the evolution of the killing baby Hitler longform meme by…

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Yes, of course, why didn’t I think of it? There’s a playbook for this in the slackjaw manual. Let me look….. hmmm. Here it is; “snowstorm”. OK, well, you asked for it.