Inspiration to Help You Through the Winter

Roz Andrews
Small Steps
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2 min readOct 29, 2020
Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

It’s almost November and winter is fast approaching. For reasons we’re all aware of, it’s likely to be a tough winter for everyone this year. Here is some inspiration to help you through it.

Make and Fill Your Own Comfort Box

When you’re feeling stressed, anxious or low, a comfort box will help you feel better. Decorate your comfort box in any way you like and fill it with things that will make you feel good. Lisa-Anne Sanderson explains how to do this in How to Make Your Own Comfort Box for Hard Times.

Read an Inspiring Book

Last month’s writing prompt was:

“What is the most inspiring book that you have ever read? How did it help or inspire you?”

In This Book Changed My Life, Vic Womersley shares how The Hedgerow Handbook helped her to feel more at home in the UK after moving there from her native Australia. She says that, thanks to the book, “this place that was once a stranger to me now feels like a friend.”

As well as non-fiction books, novels can inspire us too. In Anne of the Island Never Fails to Inspire Me, Lisa-Anne Sanderson shares her enduring love for this novel about friendship, love and death.

Save Inspiring Snippets from Medium Articles

We all know that there is a lot of helpful and encouraging information on Medium, but how do you save all those inspiring snippets that you’ve highlighted? Erica Martin gives step-by-step guides for saving your highlights in How to Save Your Medium Highlights Until They come up With a Way for Us to Download Them.

Grow into a Better Version of Yourself

Caroline Schley shows how simply listening to binaural beats at the right frequency can inspire you to start a new project, concentrate on a task or relax while doing a task you usually find stressful. Find out how to get started in How to Drastically Improve Your Productivity.

We all know that habits can make or break us. But did you know that, rather than trying to stop your bad habits, it’s better to replace them gradually with new, more helpful habits. Read How to Change Your Life with a Habit Tracker by Vic Womersley for an easy way to keep track of your progress.

Be Kind to Yourself

Be kind to yourself as we move from fall/autumn to winter. Take some time to do something you enjoy every day, whether it is a craft like knitting, crochet or drawing, reading a book or going for a walk.

Gently allow yourself to feel whatever it is you’re feeling, as we all navigate through these challenging times.

Best wishes,

Roz Andrews

Founder of Small Steps



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.