Writing Prompt for Small Steps

Roz Andrews
Small Steps
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3 min readSep 21, 2020
Photo by Aalok Atreya on Unsplash

I hope you’re having a lovely September! The weather has been glorious here in the UK. I’ve been making the most of it by getting out and about as much as I can!

As fall/autumn approaches, we’ll be spending more time indoors and, for me, that means reading more books. With this in mind, this month’s writing prompt is:

“What is the most inspiring book that you have ever read? How did it help or inspire you?”

One of the most inspiring books I have read is The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice. In 10 Key Life Lessons from The Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele, I share the lessons I learned from this excellent book.

In The One Realization that Improved My Life, I explain how just one realization, gained from reading this book, changed my mindset and my life. I felt happier and freer after putting this into practice.

Please submit your story to Small Steps by October 31st.

If you haven’t already written for Small Steps, check out the writing guidelines and leave a comment if you’re not already a writer.

As always, if you’d like to write on another subject, please feel free to do so!

I’m excited to read about the books that have inspired you and changed your life. I hope to be able to read some of them over the fall and winter.

Responses to last month’s writing prompt

A big thank you to Vic Womersley and Anne Emerick for your contributions to last month’s writing prompt, which was:

“Which are the most inspiring quotes that have helped you move forward in life?”

Vic writes about three short, easy-to-remember quotes that have helped her overcome challenges in 3 Phrases to Change Your Perspective. I particularly like Vic’s version of Nike’s famous slogan: “I can do this.”

In 9 Career Change Quotes to Motivate and Inspire, Anne shares 9 quotes that will encourage you to move forward with your career, perhaps taking it in a different direction entirely. I especially like the quotes from Amy Purdy.

Other Inspiring Stories in Small Steps

We all know water is good for us, but how can we make it even more healthy? In Fast, Easy Ways to Boost Hydration Benefits, Caroline Schley describes how adding cucumber, aloe vera or tumeric to your water can reduce inflammation in your body.

Could you change your life in just five minutes a day? Randy Ta explains how this is possible in Accomplishing Your Goals in 5 minutes. Be consistent, track your progress and reward yourself.

Thank You

I’d like to take this opportunity thank all our subscribers and contributors! Your support for Small Steps is very much appreciated.

If there’s anything you’d like to read about, please let me know. If you’d like to write on a particular subject, please go ahead and submit your article (see Write for Small Steps first).

Enjoy the rest of the sunny weather and snuggle up with an inspiring book as soon as it gets colder!

Best wishes,

Roz Andrews

Founder of Small Steps



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of www.rawritersforhire.com and www.medium.com/small-steps, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.