Top Stories published by SocialRank in October of 2015

The SocialRank Onboarding Documents — A Step by Step Walkthrough of How To Use SocialRank

There are many ways you can use SocialRank to better the Twitter and Instagram operations at your company or organization. To make it easier for people looking to get the most…

Faster Search On SocialRank

We are always working on ways to improve the speed of SocialRank. We recently pushed a new improvement that helps run your searches 10x faster.

Previously whenever you’d sort and filter on SocialRank it would take a few seconds for the query to go…

Multi-Word Bio Keyword Search

The bio keyword filter search system on SocialRank previously accepted only one word queries. This meant that, instead of filtering followers by “social media” or “digital strategist,” in their bio, you had to find a one word catch-all like “marketing.” Not very precise or…