SORA Ecosystem Update #65, July 4, 2023

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9 min readJul 4, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the June 30, 2023, Ecosystem updates!

If you missed the previous ones: June 16 / May 31 / May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 / February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here, and Dev Updates are archived here.

Moving forward, Ecosystem updates from SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet will be presented separately, allowing each project to have a space to highlight their specific roadmaps and development.

SORA Integrated Plan

Many worlds, one economy.

As the month of June ends, and we bid farewell to the first half of 2023, the SORA community continues to build the foundations for a new world economic order, one where everyone’s voice is heard, and money is used as a tool to foster collective development and growth instead of individual gains that widen the divide between people.

The SORA community is working hard to achieve a better world for everyone, picking up the pieces of a legacy system flawed and obsolete and taking full advantage of innovative technologies that facilitate the goal of advancing humanity.

Innovations and changes are always scary, but we take on this head-on and build for a better future where regulators, entrepreneurs of all scales, and communities embrace technologies that will improve and bring more transparency and efficiency to the existing systems that, if anything, are showing their age and struggling to keep up with the ever-changing needs that an evolving society brings, not to mention future societies that will exist beyond the constraints of planet Earth, be it in the metaverse or in the stars.

Coming back to the here and now, there has been much progress in achieving the milestones set forth in the integrated plan. The SORA Kusama parachain bridge is advancing rapidly toward completion. Work is currently focused on the transaction status between the SORA network and the SORA Kusama Parachain, while an attractive, intuitive, and, of course, the beautiful front end is being built in parallel. Early last week, there were instructions published for the community to test transfers between SORA and the Rococo testnet, which have proven successful so far, with little to no issues reported, as technically-savvy community members tested transferring $ROC tokens on the Dotapps (formerly Polkadot.js) interface.

The order book feature will soon be available for testing, with functionality for divisible assets (both tokens and NFT), with work on non-divisible (specifically non-fungible) assets still ongoing. Our based frens at SORA news teased a screen of what order book functionality may look like within the interface as part of an interview with Stefan, the Lead Polkaswap dev; you should check it out here for some alpha on what you can expect in the pipeline for the best, most powerful and stylish liquidity source in crypto.

Last but certainly not least, the XST platform is still undergoing rigorous testing, especially given the reputation that normies and n00bs have given anything with the word “synthetic” or “algorithmic” in it (though Synthetix on Ethereum seems to be doing pretty well). Although not all implementations are born equal, it is always good to stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for anything. There is a lot of interest from the community about SORA’s implementation of synthetic assets, and an upcoming article will be released introducing the basics, as well as providing a preview of how XST will work. In the weeks leading to the release of the XST platform, more information will be made available to answer any questions that were left pending, and if the community so wishes, there will also be an AMA where the Good Doctor and your favourite and most based SORA community members will address your questions, so stay tuned.

On the mobile front, Polkaswap for mobile will soon be getting an upgrade, allowing you to manage and contribute to liquidity pools fearlessly and with style and freedom (get it?). The pressing question, wen SORA Card, which has now become fuel for nightmares and is living proof that the legacy system is riddled with bureaucracy, obscurity, and inefficiency, is making good progress from the last time we updated you. However, to manage expectations and avoid provoking any further delays, we will keep those cards close to the chest and only update you when there is concrete progress, i.e., when you are able to sign up. We apologize for the inconvenience and reiterate the commitment to building high-quality software for humanity that will exceed expectations. Just know that there are no major problems with SORA Card, and we make progress each and every day. For now, please bear with us, and as soon as we know, you’ll know.

The Dotsama ecosystem hosted the biggest event in the calendar, Polkadot Decoded, with this year’s iteration in Copenhagen (more like Copenhagen, given the crypto market). The SORA team attended both in person and in spirit, seeing many friends and making new ones while learning firsthand the innovations and developments that both our peers and the people architecting the ecosystem have been working on. As if that were not enough, the thought leadership shared by enterprises and projects working within the ecosystem has been inspiring to keep working and building to propel the entire ecosystem forward. Keep your eyes peeled for more developments from the SORA ecosystem for the entire Dotsama, and why not, blockchain space in what we like to call SORA Summer (ソラの夏).

You are now up to date with what has happened in the last few weeks in the SORA ecosystem and the current state of the SORA Integrated Plan. Please stay tuned for upcoming news from all the SORA contributors, and we’ll see you again in two weeks. Let’s get back to work!

*This is not financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research!

**You can find the summary of the integrated plan points in the SORA Wiki.

Business Track Progress

- Polkaswap as a Service — 80%
- SORA Card — 98.5%

For more information about SORA Card, take a look at these articles: Introduction of SORA Card, key features of SORA Card, a comparison between SORA Card and other crypto-powered banking services, an interview with the people behind the SORA Card tech and management, and a recent article on SORA Card Phase One as well as a SORA Card AMA Recap.

Stay tuned for more articles with interesting and insightful information on this great tool for financial freedom. SORA Card | Value Freedom

⚙️ SORA Blockchain Update

Preparing for release 1.11.0 — Demeter & Hermes Summer Farming

  • Changelog can be found on Github: stage backlog.
  • [Demeter] Governance options check
  • [Hermes] Governance platform upgrade
  • [Polkaswap] Double PSWAP rewards for LP on the XOR-TBCD pool
  • [ADAR] Fixes & Maintenance

Substrate and EVM bridges

  • Working on the transaction status for bridge transactions to allow you to follow the status of your transactions out of the SORA mainnet.

XST Platform

  • Testing is currently ongoing (Github Milestone).
  • External partners are fixing issues with the Oracle data feeds so that we can finalize testing and start the production environment integration.
  • Working on a dynamic fee to mitigate the risk and impact of front-running for synthetic assets.

Order books

- The order book feature is ready to be released on stage (public test) with full functionality for divisible assets and integration with the liquidityProxy (SMART market algorithm) (Github Milestone).
- Working on utility testing to facilitate testing for our QA team.
- Preparing work items to expand the functionality to non-divisible assets.
- Order books will be released on the public test environment once the front-end team is able to start working on implementing the UI so that the new features can be released and tested on all platforms at the same time.

📱 SORA Wallet Updates

🚀 Android + 🍏 iOS

We have received the credentials for the test environment from our partners for SORA Card!

  • Now testing and fixing issues generated by changes on the partners’ SDK.

Working on the next release for the SORA wallet: UX Improvements;

  • 80% of the task backlog is ready to be released on SORAlution for public testing.
  • Finishing the implementation of the Google Auth feature enabling you to import, save, and export your SORA accounts with your Google account.
  • Implementing the first step towards the integration of the Demeter Farming platform, enabling you to see the liquidity that you have staked on your pools.

SORA Builders Programme News

ADAR Updates

The ADAR app was recently launched! Read all about it in this interesting article.

Find out how the ADAR app works here.

The team is currently working on:

  • Version 1.0.1 has been released to fix bugs and address fees.
  • New Polkaswap updates have been implemented for ADAR.
  • A video guide for the ADAR app with designer support.
  • Updating T&Cs, Disclaimer, and Privacy.
  • Google Login Feature on staging.
  • The token distribution feature is under active development.

For frequent updates from the ADAR team, join their Telegram group!

Here is the proposal submitted by ADAR. For more information on the Abed Group, take a look at this deck, and to try the version available from the completion of the first milestone, you can visit the ADAR website.

Ceres Updates

The latest SORA blockchain backend upgrade, 1.11.0 will include governance options for Demeter, as well as an upgrade to the Hermes governance platform.

  1. XOR/CERES farming pool with CERES rewards has been closed ;(
  2. The VAL Burning Tracker is live on the Ceres Tools website and the Ceres Tools Mobile Apps.
  3. The Portfolio feature is live on the Ceres Tools website and mobile apps. Users can connect their wallets and see their holdings, tokens staked, rewards, and liquidity. All are available in one place!
  4. Every token has a live supply tracker now on Ceres Tools and mobile apps.
  5. The Hermes Governance update is being released this week. It includes poll duration changes (minimum 4 hours) and multi-option polls (not just Yes and No options anymore).
  6. The Ceres Polkaswap Telegram bot is being upgraded to a new version which will provide token price notifications.
  7. The Ceres team was at the Polkadot Decoded conference, networking and promoting Ceres products and the SORA network!

For constant updates from Ceres, subscribe to the Ceres Announcements channel on Telegram.

The Demeter Farming platform is available on the SORA network for users to farm with liquidity pool LP or single-sided staking with interesting APR*. New pools are constantly added, too. Demeter farming is directly integrated into Polkaswap for convenience. For more information, read this Medium article on the Demeter platform.

*Not financial advice. Always do your own research.

🐈‍⬛ SORA Request for Proposal Updates

SORA community member Satoshi Shibarimoto has proposed a Maker DAO analogue called SORA Kensetsu, which has been drawing plenty of enthusiasm from the community. Read about the proposal here.

The SORA Decentralized Development walkthrough was published on September 2nd, take a look at the new RFP system and submit your proposal in an easier and more intuitive way. Please let us know your thoughts about these improvements in the SORA network community chats on Telegram!

Join the Decentralized Development channel on the SORA World Discord.

Thank you for making it all the way here. Your interest is much appreciated. If you are a passionate community member who evangelizes SORA and its supranational crypto economic values to anyone willing to lend an ear, we are looking for you!

About SORA

SORA is a new economic order for the world aimed at high growth and empowering human progress. The SORA network includes interoperability with the Polkadot and Kusama networks, as well as the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to the Polkadot ecosystem.

Connect With Us

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Fearless Wallet 𒉡𒉎𒋼 community:

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Editor for

SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.