Rockin’ and Reuniting: My Daughter and I Jam Out and Bond at Lollapalooza

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6 min readFeb 6, 2023

I recently had a reunion straight out of a Bollywood movie at a concert. I was overjoyed to be reunited with my daughter, who had grown emotionally distant from me in recent years. It was a moment filled with emotions, just like those 80s Bollywood films where a child gets separated from their family. I may have added a touch of dramatics, but hey, sometimes a little drama can add to the fun!

One evening, while I was settling down with my trusty Kindle, my daughter came bounding in with an electrifying announcement: “Dad, Imagine Dragons and other popular acts are going to perform at Lollapalooza in Mumbai!” Despite being familiar with the event, I wasn’t exactly jumping out of my seat to attend the concert. But my daughter, who had grown up listening to these artists, was eager as a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t help but recall the old adage, “time flies.” It felt like just yesterday that my daughter was running around with pigtails and begging me to take her to the park. Now, she’s all grown up and has a life of her own. But there she was, requesting to attend a concert with her dad.

You see, with the COVID-19 pandemic and my daughter turning 12, I had noticed a growing distance between us. I had tried to combat it by making an effort to spend quality time with her, but it seemed like she was more interested in spending time with her friends. That is, until the concert announcement. In today’s world, it seems like we’re always looking for someone or something to blame for the distance between parents and kids. But little did I know, there was a cosmic explanation all along! I recently learned about the concept of karmic bond, or runanubandha, in my spiritual studies and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the naturally occurring distance between parents and kids between the ages of 12 and 21 is actually a good thing. At first, I was worried about losing my bond with my daughter due to the COVID-19 pandemic and my own existential crisis. But once I got a grip on this karmic stuff, I realized it was all just part of the journey. The Western world is filled with parents who are just waiting for their kids to turn 18 so they can cut the cord. But if you want to avoid a lifetime of attachment drama, it’s important to provide a loving environment and raise your kids right from the get-go, so they can spread their wings and soar without feeling tethered.

So, it looks like the secret to a successful parent-child bond isn’t just about holding on tight, but rather, letting go with love.

Despite her packed schedule, she kept pushing to go together, proving that our bond was unbreakable. At first, I thought she was just being polite and suggested she go with her friends. But she wouldn’t take no for an answer and was insistent on coming with me. As the concert approached, she wouldn’t stop asking about tickets and even suggested we hunt down scalpers. It was a heartwarming shock to see how much she still wanted to be close to her dad. Who says kids these days don’t appreciate a good rock concert with their parents? The moment I pulled out the tickets and revealed them to her, the joy on her face was unforgettable. She hugged me tightly and whispered, “I knew you would come through, Dad.” It was a moment I’ll cherish forever.

It’s a well-known fact that keeping the kiddos in suspense and breaking their expectations is a guaranteed way to boost appreciation and excitement. In a world where technology dominates and monotony is the norm, it’s up to us parents to keep our kids on their toes and show them the beauty of not knowing what’s coming next and never letting them get too comfortable. . After all, appreciation is the spice of life, and a little mystery never hurt anyone.I remember the days when I used to surprise her with spontaneous trips or little presents, and the element of surprise always made the experience even more memorable. This not only builds excitement, but it also teaches them the value of appreciating what they truly desire.

As a parent, I was ready to rock and roll at the concert with my daughter by my side. We picked out the perfect concert outfits and headed to the festival, eager to make memories and dance the day away. My daughter was a true concert-pro, determined to try every food truck, snap every pic, and dance to every beat. Despite the crowds, heat, and my aging bones, I put on my game face for her sake. And boy, was it worth it! My daughter showed me her love by suggesting a break from the mosh pit and taking me to the kiddie section for some much-needed R&R. And to my surprise, she even treated me to a private concert, belting out every song like a seasoned Rockstar. Her act of kindness just proved what a thoughtful and caring person she’s becoming. Thanks, kiddo! This concert may have been the longest and wildest day, but it’s a day I’ll never forget.

Goodbye to dull routines, hello to wild adventures with the kids. As a parent, our mission is to make our kids smile and create unforgettable memories.

After 6 years of shying away from crowds and concerts, I faced my fears for my daughter’s sake and attended a show with her. She showed her love by sensing my anxiety and finding a relaxed spot, reigniting our bond. Our kids grow up fast, so it’s up to us to keep the spark alive. My daughter did just that at the concert, making me feel reconnected and filling my heart with joy. Spending time with our kids is key to a strong bond. Remember, our kids will eventually leave the nest, but stepping out of our comfort zones to bring joy to their faces can bring us closer. I learned this firsthand at the concert, where my bravery made my daughter beam with happiness and reignited our relationship.

Let’s make lasting memories and strengthen our bond with our kids by taking the time to be with them.

As a SoulDad, I aim to guide parents and kids on their journey of spiritual and personal development. I do this by spilling my own beans and egging others to spill theirs by leaving comments or even writing blogs of their own adventures in parenting.

Lollapalooza is an annual American four-day music festival held in Grant Park in Chicago. It originally started as a touring event in 1991 but several years later made Chicago the permanent location for the annual music festival. Music genres include but are not limited to alternative rock, heavy metal, punk rock, hip hop, and electronic dance music. Lollapalooza has also featured visual arts, nonprofit organizations, and political organizations. The festival, held in Grant Park, hosts an estimated 400,000 people each July and sells out annually. Lollapalooza is one of the largest and most iconic music festivals in the world and one of the longest-running in the United States.- Wikipedia.

Runanubandha is the physical memory that you carry within you. This memory can be acquired due to blood relationships or sexual relationships. When it comes to sexual relationships, a woman’s body has much more memory. When it comes to genetic material, a man’s body has much more memory. Generally, over eighteen to twenty-one years of age, a woman’s body carries less physical memory than a man’s body. The main reason why nature has done this is because a woman has to bear a child from a man who is not genetically connected with her. For her to carry the child to term, it is very important that her genetic memory is less.- Sadhguru

Additionally, here’s a list of my past blogs that may help you help your child grow and evolve in these changing but still delightful times

Every Woman Can Be Queen
Transforming Gossip into Growth
Is the “Cancel Culture” Toxic for Children?

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Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting