The January Review

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
13 min readJan 31, 2019

We began the new year with the publication of an in-depth analytical study by our investment team examining the year that passed in the crypto market and explaining the reason for its volatility and its continued promise.

Our co-founders Cyrus Fazel and Anthony Lesoismier made a New Year’s video message where they look back at 2018 taking stock and presenting their vision for 2019 and beyond.

Focusing on the pre-launch of the SwissBorg App we have been planning and tailoring our strategy for growing our community and raising awareness of cryptos and why we believe in SwissBorg’s future as a leading wealth management platform and ecosystem.

Our Teaser App or V0 will use gamification to engage users and help us prepare for the V1 launch of the SwissBorg App. Alex Fazel, our dynamic Head of Communications, who helped set-up our Asia team in Tokyo, moved from Japan to London to help grow our community by raising awareness and promoting our products and philosophy. One of his strategic tools for community growth is an upcoming Youtube vlog series that will create, with the help of our community, engaging and cutting-edge content. We, also, plan to revive our Q & A’s and founders vlogs series to engage with our community more organically.

Our Community Committee members led by our energetic Community Manager, Otilia Gudana, are whole-heartedly engaged and excited to help us in the pre-launch of our App. Our token holders are invaluable contributors to every stage of our development as a wealth management ecosystem.

Our Asia team continues to grow with new hires. They began the year with a successful Blockchain Unicorns event in Tokyo that strengthened our position as an industry leader in the region. Always moving forward, SwissBorg Asia continued to spread wings in Korea, exhibiting at the recent Pyoengchang Blockchain Forum.

Yves Maillot, a veteran fund manager and our investment advisor, was introduced to the community in January. He has written a detailed study of cryptos as the new safe haven that will be published next month as part of a series of long-form content that we are proud to produce to boost our authority as thought-leaders in the blockchain and crypto space.

We continued our efforts to grow our team by adding new members and bid farewell to three interns who completed their course and departed with a heart-warming goodbye message that affirms our values of meritocracy and diversity.

Sign-Up for the SwissBorg Teaser App

The SwissBorg Teaser App or V0 is a simulation game for predicting the daily price fluctuations in Bitcoin where users compete to reach the top ranks. The best players will receive crypto rewards and a priority access to the V1 SwissBorg App, to be released in 2019.

As Head of SwissBorg Asia, Ken Yagami explained, “we always want to innovate more. Because we are building an amazing mobile app, our objective is to take product pre-launch campaign to the next level with a teaser app rather than a simple mailing list.”

SwissBorg Mobile App is a cutting-edge crypto technology built to empower our community. App users will be able to deposit in fiat and crypto, execute trading on a single interface connected to multiple exchanges, invest in SwissBorg Crypto Indexes, manage their portfolios, all this without leaving the app.

Sign up for our teaser app here:

The Crypto Market Review 2018

After witnessing record performances in 2017, two thousand eighteen was a very volatile year for cryptos. Despite disappointing performances, there is a substantial community of blockchain believers, and the interest in the industry keeps growing. This year the record was broken in terms of financing raised for ICOs (telegram 1,7 bn). BitMEX, the world’s largest crypto asset futures exchange saw its volumes explode. It was also a great year in terms of, new crypto hedge funds, institutional money flowing in, new blockchain projects being launched by big companies, major stock exchanges adopting crypto and the list goes on. This year, also, saw some disappointments, waves of anger, underperformances, misleading information. Markets can crash; nevertheless, innovation and evolution are irreversible.

On January 7th, 2018, the total market capitalisation of crypto-assets reached its all-time high with a total market value of over 800 billion dollars after rising tenfold in the last three months of 2017. Since then, the crypto market has fallen by 85% from the high — following the typical bubble burst pattern.

This fall has not diminished interest in the crypto industry, and interest has never been greater, with an increasing number of institutions entering the market. Institutional investors are key players injecting a potentially larger trading volume and bringing more liquidity to the market. The market is showing signs of maturity with an average daily volume that was higher in 2018 than in the previous year. Even during the bear market in 2018, total funds raised by ICOs was 1.5x the amount raised in 2017.

Despite the significant losses, it is worth recalling that a token’s fall in price does not necessarily reflect a decreasing intrinsic value. Technological innovation and societal evolution are irreversible. In this study, we examine the year that passed in the crypto market to describe and analyse the reason for, both, its volatility and its continued promise.

To read more or download the full report, please click here:

Co-founders New Year’s Message

Alex Fazel, Head of Communications, Reports:

Move to London, Community Growth and Launch of Cryptonites

I relocated to London with the sole purpose of growing our community. Reuniting the current crypto and blockchain enthusiasts while creating a new community of traditional contributors and millennials will be key to longevity and sustainability.

As J.K Rowling so eloquently said, “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”. Some of the largest conflicts deeply hurting the credibility of the crypto space and community in 2018 stemmed by divisive views and people who let their ego take over which further separated us.

In this bear market, we need to unite our forces and focus on bridging key forces from the on-chain and off-chain worlds. Combining forces such as on-chain and off-chain media, experts, influencers and mainstream media or press and of course the companies building the infrastructure.

Growing the community by bringing society together as a whole is the biggest goal of this new mission.

One of the key tools to ensure this mission will be to launch a 4K vlogging series on Youtube named “Cryptonites.” As Ichy K, one of the members of the SB community committee, recently said: “Mass education proceeds Mass Adoption.” This has become our ULTIMATE purpose with:

As to the WHY’s of this channel, we can easily break them down into the WHYs for society as a whole, WHYs for both existing and future community members and the WHYs for SwissBorg’s community.

This channel has a B4C approach (business for community). This means it will be funded and sponsored by SwissBorg to keep the channel alive and made with the community for the community.

What exactly does that mean? We would like to establish a system that is in line with the SB principles where the community members can contribute to the biggest decisions by voting for speakers, themes and topics that will drive the growth.

*Please note that the visual identity for the Cryptonites channel is still in progress and subject to changes which will be available for the community to vote for

Swarming Intelligence and The First Steps With The Community

The only way we can back-up this claim of “WITH the community FOR the community” is for our community to answer the survey so we can already start building this channel together. All data will also be shared with some key influencers in the blockchain/ crypto space so the more participants, the more the influence, the more influencers will support us to accelerate our online presence. As a result, our v.0 and transition to v.1 will reach a very large audience and ensure a successful launch along with an increase in demand for CHSB tokens.

Please fill the form below and give us your feedback, let’s get started together:

We are already in discussion with some key influencers in the blockchain/crypto space and will make the announcements as soon as proposals, NDA’s, letter of intents and contracts are signed. We look forward to growing together in the most valuable, organic and sustainable way.

Stay tuned!

Legal Update, Serena Fontana Reports

The legal team is proud to announce that the first VQF audit, the self-regulatory body supervised by FINMA, went well. The meeting took weeks of preparation and all the attention of the legal team. On the day of the audit, one of the VQF auditors joined us in the office in Lausanne, and after a morning of checks, the result was positive.

As for the new team, the teamwork starts to give the first results: under the guidance of Ardian Balaj, our team leader, Anda, Julian and Serena worked on the preparation of corporate policies laying the foundations for the legal protection of the company.

Meanwhile, the legal team is always engaged in continuous updating activities. This month, in particular, the research and the study have seen, in the first place, the new Maltese legislation and, subsequently, the new stances of the European authorities ESMA and EBA. The KYC procedure is also a focus, to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible while complying with all applicable regulation.

We are making significant progress towards the license to operate in Malta and are preparing the terrain for the distribution of the SwissBorg products.

The State of the Community: Otilia Gudana Reports

The rush of the latest developments in the field of science: blockchain technology, the always-changing and still not a polished regulatory system of the crypto markets, and the switch from the old to the new economy are paving the road to a crypto utopia.

As part of the SwissBorg’s vision to build a fair and equitable environment accessible to everyone, we kicked off last year with the launch of Reddit SwissBorg’s Meritocratic Reward System and placed the first stone that paved the way for the creation of our Swarm Intelligence Program which aims to include the individual contributor in our decision-making processes in this new digital world. As a company, we are embracing and promoting diversity and keeping focused on improving the quality of our community’s experience.

As part of our efforts to stay true to our philosophy of meritocracy, we have rewarded the SwissBorg Community for their contribution in 2018. Participants who excelled in developing and serving the SwissBorg community have been and will continue to be, given the opportunity to evolve in the SwissBorg ecosystem and shoulder more responsibilities such as becoming Community Managers or Community Committee members who will collaborate more closely with the team. Meanwhile, our valuable Community Committee members are dedicated to listening to your voices and making sure the entire community is heard as we continue to work together on improving our Ecosystem.

We, the SwissBorg Team, always strive to keep you engaged; meanwhile you, the community, are encouraged to communicate with us any time you wish. We look forward to helping you join us on our journey to create together a safe place for our on-chain and off-chain community.

Join us! Experience our Swarm Intelligence Program where we encourage our Community to engage in the long-form & in-depth articles & discussions that SwissBorg’s subreddit page allows; we will REWARD you! Help us grow even bigger and get rewarded with CHSB tokens. You can find us and our community on:

Telegram Groups:
Announcement Chanel:



I believe that the only authentic way to excel and be part of something is to: observe and jump-in, get involved, which means getting out of my comfort zone from time to time. What makes our journey such an adventure is that we are exiting our comfort zones and breaking path together.

Our Community Support team remains at your disposal to offer constant support for all SwissBorg members. Caring for one another and compassion are values we share. We believe in leaving the world a better place for those who follow. SwissBorg wants to spread and nurture the idea that individuals can be part of something greater.

Stay with us — and expect more.

Meet Yves Maillot: Our Erudite Investment Advisor

When asked why he decided to join SwissBorg as an adviser, Yves Maillot explains that one of the most critical factors in evolution is innovation, “finance is lagging and needs to reinvent itself. Technological advances and changes in investor behaviour pose major challenges but also present great opportunities.” Yves believes that it is essential for traditional financial institutions to invest in blockchain technology. He believes in the vision of SwissBorg founders’ wanting to bridge the gap between traditional banking and the new world of fintech and blockchain will make the young fintech a “key market player in the convergence of the traditional world of finance and the crypto economy.” Read more:

Sign-up to receive Yves’ upcoming article, “Are Cryptocurrencies the New Safe Haven?” in your inbox.

SwissBorg Asia Reports

Blockchain Unicorns Tokyo Bolsters China-Japan Blockchain Ecosystem

Da Hongfei (Founder of NEO) with SwissBorg Asia Team

In the evening of January 14th, SwissBorg Asia held its inaugural China-Japan themed blockchain conference. More than 350 attendees attended Blockchain Unicorns Tokyo: Blockchain Disruptions in China & Japan, featuring an unparalleled lineup of industry giants and prominent influencers,such as Da Hongfei (Founder of NEO), Hironao Kunimitsu (Chairman of Gumi), An Xinxin (Founder of Jinse), Terry Wang (Co-Founder & CTO of IOST), Yusuke Ito (Founder of Hakuhodo Blockchain Initiative), Takahito Kagami (Co-Founder & Chief Editor of Coin Post) read more.

Blockchain Pyeongchang Forum 2019

On January 28–29, Ken Yagami, Amber Chook, and Risa Suzuki of SwissBorg Asia were invited to Blockchain Pyeongchang Forum 2019, held by Gangwon-do Province Government. It was a delight to meet Yuan Yuming, CEO of Huobi China over dinner. We were able to make new connections that will help us build a substantial presence in the Korea Market.

As a BPF2019 official described, “this forum is meaningful in that it solves the problem of information congestion on block chains, which is considered a core area of the fourth industry and presents global standards in a single location.” And also “We expect that Gangwon Province will become a hub of global blockchain through BPF 2019 after Gangwon Province successfully hosted the Olympics.”

Expect good news from us soon!

New Hires in Asia

On the hiring front, SwissBorg Asia continues to bring in passionate new blood to strengthen its ongoing efforts to grow and expand in the Japanese and Korean markets. In January, we added two new hires to our team:

The first is Riku Kawano. Born in Japan and raised in Hong Kong, Riku is a senior business student and a crypto geek who is secretly an evangelist of the Alien movie franchise. With past experiences working as a web engineer and a UI/UX designer, Riku brings to the team his technical and design-oriented wizardry to the marketing team. Also to mention, Riku used to trade cryptocurrencies during his classes, only to be warned by his parents to HODL instead.

The second is Bumki Kim. Originally from South Korea, Bumki is currently a university student at Waseda University in Japan. He has spent past internship experiences in global companies including and Adidas. In early 2018, he joined the blockchain scene through an internship at EMURGO, a commercial arm of Cardano Blockchain Project. As a member of SwissBorg Asian Marketing Team, Bumki will assist our team in drawing out the best strategy to secure the Asian market with SwissBorg’s upcoming flagship product.

Interns Farewell Message

Working at SwissBorg made us realise the importance of diverse and open-minded corporate culture and a positive working environment. The founders of SwissBorg like to practice an employee-friendly corporate culture where everyone is treated equally with mutual respect in an incredibly collaborative and friendly work environment. SwissBorg’s healthy corporate, or rather, team culture allows for each employee in the team to feel valued regardless of his or her job duties and position. Consequently, employees at SwissBorg work incredibly well as a team to meet the company’s and their own needs. Read their story here.

New Hires

SwissBorg is Hiring!

We are looking for Scala Engineers and more! We are a path-breaking, diverse and incredibly open-minded team. Find out if one of our many promising positions around the globe is meant for you:



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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