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Machine Learning

The Amazon Go Store: How do they do it?

I’m kind-of obsessing about Amazon’s new “Just Walk Out” stores.

My first reaction was: Oh, I get it. Put RFID tags on all items. Those big white things you have to walk through when you leave the store — those are RFID readers that…

Finding MLB Anomalies with CADE

Over the Summer, while an intern at Elder Research, I learned about a very intuitive anomaly detection algorithm called CADE, or Classifier-Adjusted Density Estimation. The algorithm seemed very simple, so I wanted to try and implement it myself and try to find anomalous…

Will voice bots soon be powering business?

Some of the most interesting tech startups popping up a the moment, are for me, anything to do with chat bots. This year, of all years seems to have been something of a bumper year for them.

9 startups Apple bought in 2016, and what they do

Reported by Business Insider:

Apple regularly confirms the purchases with a standard non-denial: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time-to-time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.”