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Machine Learning

Cloning a car to mimic human driving

This is a project for the Udacity Self Driving Car Nanodegree program. One of the projects there is to use machine learning to make a car mimic human driving without explicitly programming it to do any of the actions. Similar to how a new driver learns by watching…

Basics of NLP

Did anyone realize how cool is it if computer understands what we speak. Jarvis is one motivation for me to start exploring this field. I am learning side by side and will update this blog periodically. I am following Stanford Course of NLP by Professor Dan Jurafsky & Chris Manning along with Duckduckgo…

What I Want To See From Evernote in 2017

I have almost all of my strategic thinking, articles I’ve found useful and reference material in Evernote. Their browser extension works great as does their Mac, iPad and iPhone apps. I even have the WSJ integration enabled so I see relevant news with my…

[Week 3 — YelpGuesser]

Why We Need To Training and Test Set?

As we have already mentioned, our project we will use Yelp dataset. Firstly we have to say Yelp data is very huge.If we want to use our dataset useful for the project, we have to ask “When our predictions have an error, how…