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Mourning Mastodon

Mourning What Now?!?!

A response to “Mourning Mastodon,” by the author

This essay is a response to my previous one, and if you haven’t read that one yet you really should or else none of this will make sense. It is difficult to know what sort of response…

Using your older computer

Yesterday, @moverick did a piece where he said that people should not buy older phones or computers.

Inasmuch as I agree with the spirit of what he wrote, practical realities, especially in my line of work, have shown me otherwise, so I did a short video to…

What Are TED 2017 Speakers Reading?

TED 2017 (April 24–28) has many great speakers from all over the world, so we were curious to…

Looks like a crashed car...
Miguel A. Branada

Thanks Miguel A. Branada , I agree we can have a better logo, but as I’m not expert in branding or design, would be great if you can suggest some logo designs that you’ll see most representative for OSSDC.org.

One small correction, I’ve said an “open autonomous car” not “open source autonomous car”, intentionally, as the…

Tech China Post #16

Subscribe to receive the March Venture Capital Funding Report

FAW Jiefang, a truck manufacturer in China, showed a set of early features of a self-driving truck. FAW is one of the big 4 automakers in China and has joint ventures with foreign automakers such as GM…