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A Software Developer’s Mac Pro

According to the transcript of the chat, Apple has a few different types of pro users it is considering:

  1. Video editors
  2. Music creators
  3. Graphic designers
  4. Scientists

Strategic Product Planning as a Team / part 2

If you’re looking for Part 1, it’s here !

At Alan we love to share the way we work. In our last blog post, we defined the first steps to review your Product Strategy and Plan it as a team. You will find here the last (but not…

3 Communication Lessons For Small Businesses

Written by Alexa Lemzy // Also shared on Startups.co.

The quickest way to halt productivity is through ineffective communication. For people to do their jobs properly, they need to know exactly what is expected of them. In…

Why I Switched to an iPad Mini

In my October 24th post I talked about who the iPad mini would work well for and who it might not work so…

The future of the open internet — and our way of life — is in your hands
Quincy Larson

It really was an eye-opener. Can you shed some light on this:- They constantly break the law, tie up regulators in lengthy court battles, and make it practically impossible for anyone — even Google — to enter their markets.

Nokia reportedly bringing back 3310 mobile phone

Nokia is rumoured to be relaunching its bestselling 3310 mobile phone as a cheap backup for smartphone users.

According to information leaked by technology website Venturebeat, the phone — originally launched in 2000, will launch at this year’s MWC…

Networking 101: How To Get Connected
Justin Zastrow

Thanks, Justin Zastrow for a great post!

I can only agree that networking is a benefitial activity as a CEO or business leader.

I didn’t always enjoy it to begin with, but find it exciting today.

The world is full of people who can help our business or the beginnig of new…