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4729–170408 Macでタイムスタンプ一発入力がScrapboxでも便利

Scrapboxに色々書いていると、タイムスタンプを記載したくなります。「2017/04/08 20:37:09」のように、日時をワンタッチで記入したいのです。

Would you know where the closest AED is located in the case of an emergency?

The Today Show on NBC recently produced a story about Bob Harper from “The Biggest Loser” and a heart attack he experienced while training in his gym. He survived, primarily because an automated…

SDSU’s Secret World Where You Can Win Free Food!

Wait what? There is an app that gives away free food on campus?

Metaverse, a mobile app by former Googlers that let’s users complete “quests” in the real world to win real world prizes using Augmented Reality. Think…

Civic Tech Digest Week of 4/17

Former Microsoft CEO Releases Trove of Data | From Smart Cities to Smart Citizens| Birmingham Makes State History with New Policy Act

First Step to Ubiquity

Google announced yesterday that the Home device would be able to pick up and identify multiple speakers and access…

Boost Your Customer Engagement With Mobile marketing

Have you considered adding mobile to your marketing strategy?” This is one of the first questions I pose to small business owners on my business development discovery calls.

Road Safety Checklist for School Buses

Schools have always been implementing all essential measures to ensure the safety of the…


In an email I received today The Grammarist wondered “Do reduplicated phrases cause anxiety?” The question relates to the term “heebie-jeebies.” According to MW, the H-J term is a plural noun that refers to “a tense nervous jumpy condition produced by various causes (as in strain, irritation, fear…

#52: Fintech en China

Estaba leyendo un artículo de Daily Fintech sobre Fintech en China.

A veces se nos olvida que hay un mundo completamente nuevo en Asia que hace ver lo que hemos hecho acá con Fintech como algo mediocre.

Will driverless trucks pass these guys by?

(This post originally appeared on The Washington Post)

It looks like “an aerodynamic white box” on wheels, according to Fast Company. That’s a fair description. But it’s really a new type of vehicle being tested by Swedish…

My current “book shelf”

My concept of a “book shelf” has certainly evolved in the last few years:

  1. Listening to The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee: I came across this book on Bill Gates’ Best Books of 2016. I’m still on the third chapter but quite engrossed in it…