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Which is better LAUNCH vs AUTEL?

LAUNCH x431 scan tool vs AUTEL diagnostic tool: which is better?

Here you go.

autel maxisys pro vs launch

autel maxidas ds708 vs launch x431 pro

DHS Face Biometric Scans

Are They Legitimate?

Georgetown Law recently released a report titled “Not Ready For Takeoff” (clever name), harshly critiquing the DHS’ facial recognition program designed to catch people over-staying their US visas. A travel visa is…

8 Answers from Erik Hoel, PhD

How do you move past reductionism?

transitioning Genomic Logic into bitpharma.com:

Dr. Hoel is a postdoc in the NeuroTechnology Lab at Columbia University. His recent Entropy paper titled, “When the map…

Tribit XSound Go REVIEW Fantastic Portable SoundShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Pinterest

One of the most enjoyable aspects of modern technology is the ability to listen to music wherever you desire. Since our smartphones have mostly replaced the…


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