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Venture Capital

  1. Entrepreneurship
  2. Venture Capital


How to Explain Your Business (in Fewer Words)

When it comes to pitches

How to Raise a Late Seed Round

My Co-founder and Partner, Scott Sage recently published two excellent posts on Late Seed rounds and A Note on Notes aimed at (though not exclusively for) European B2B entrepreneurs. Supporting enterprise entrepreneurs is something Scott and I have been doing for the bulk of…

Populist Investing. The Future is here.

At Angel Kings, we’ve invested in more than 35+ companies in various sectors — biotech, cyber security, drone tech, including software and hardware companies. We’re proud of these venture capital and private equity investments, and we’re happy to say our…

Latticework and Venture Capital, Chapter 6 — Philosophy

Note: This is the seventh post in a series on Robert Hagstrom’s Latticework and VC. Chapter summaries are in no way designed to be Cliff Notes on the chapters of the book, quite the contrary, please read the book for yourself!

Milestones To Raise Series A In 2017

Equidam Weekly 11th November

The Equidam Weekly is a curated collection of readings delivered weekly to bring you the most informative articles on growth companies, early stage funding and generally on how to build…

Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) & Bonds in India | Karvy Online

Non-convertible debentures (NCDs) cannot be converted into equities or shares and usually carry higher interest rates than their convertible counterparts. NCDs might be the right choice for investors looking for high…

Startups inom IoT — trender

Wing Venture Capital är en liten men nischad VC med rötterna i Accel & Sequoia. Man är aktiva i relativt tidiga faser, och har fokuserat på nätverk och infrastruktur med en rad framgångsrika bolag.