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Venture Capital

  1. Entrepreneurship
  2. Venture Capital


About three years ago, George and myself engaged on a clear mission to fix the online dating industry; an industry…

10 Things I Learned From My Billionaire Boss

I joined Pritzker Group in 2015 as Community Builder when I moved back to L.A. after three years working in the Tel Aviv VC/startup scene. My job entails two things: one is working with our VC team to build the Pritzker brand in L.A., put on some…

Observations from MLconf in San Francisco

I had the pleasure of attending my second MLconf last week. It was a packed house — you could feel the enthusiasm for machine learning spilling out of the conference hall when you walked into Hotel Nikko.

Early fundraising lessons from VCs

After sending out my first fund-raising email, I received a lot of feedback. Some of it was generic (“Nigeria isn’t a city, idiot.”) but most was very specific advice from people who invest for a living. I won’t bore anyone with the details, but here are some themes…

Mobalytics: Personal Performance Analytics for Gamers

(Watch Techcrunch Disrupt SF pitch video for Mobalytics here)

Mobalytics is bringing visual analytics to gamers to help them improve their skill. By measuring your in-game performance, Mobalytics can give you…

Getting Started — 2 years to go

A few months ago I sent out an email. Nothing special about that, except for the content. The messaged asked for advice from about 30 friends and mentors who I deeply respect.

She Started It — a film about entrepreneurs that happen to be women

A film that highlights resilience, perseverance and grit of five entrepreneurs. Their companies, approaches and backgrounds are different, but they share one thing in common: they are young women pursuing their…