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The experimental years
The experimental years
documenting the process and ideas
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Truthfully exhausted

Today, I wanted to write a tinyletter. I send tinyletters only when I cannot bring myself to publish my thoughts in public. These are far and few in between: since writing the first one in early 2015, I’ve only sent seven of them so far. There is very little I can’t write publicly about.

Getting healthy is really hard

When I first started on my year of experiment, a large part of it was health motivated. I was having painful dry eyes, chronic migraines and anxiety attacks. I would lie awake at night with my heart racing for no apparent reason. I was sick of being sick.

Building resilience through a sustainable self

In between the time that goes into working on my experimental ideas, I spend an extraordinary amount of focus, effort and energy into experimenting on myself. This is the first time ever, because I was never in a place where I considered myself…