Top Stories published by The Heretic in July of 2014

Gamifying Entrepreneurship

The following guest post is from a fellow Heretic Clara Huet, working at gamifying diabetes at mySugr.

Entrepreneurship is a great adventure, which requires resilience and the ability to just keep going when obstacles come your way. Funny thing is — that’s…


Two years ago I had drinks with Daniel Epstein, co-founder of the Unreasonable Institute and CEO of Unreasonable Group. Two cocktails into a hot, dry summer night in a bar in downtown Boulder we asked each other: What’s your superpower?


When I grew up we played a video game called “Lemmings”. It was hilarious, challenging (at least in the later levels) and highly addictive. The basic premise of the game was: Lemmings are these weird little creatures which, if not directed, walked blindly off a cliff into their certain death (effectively…

Solve It Once and for All

Today I had the great pleasure to talk at Singularity Universities’ Graduate Studies Program about “Defining your Impact — How to develop the goals and strategies to achieve impact” (in case you’re interested — here’s the deck).

These were the top 10 stories published by The Heretic in July of 2014. You can also dive into daily archives for July of 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. →
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