The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub — Monthly Newsletter #4

June— Stats, Growth, Learnings, The Featured Five, Token of Thanks, Notable Mentions and A Special Thanks.

Mehak Adlakha
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub


5 min read6 days ago



Though I’m no expert, I started this community to spread positivity on Medium, and unexpectedly, we have been doing very well within four months.

Our fourth month on Medium was one of the best, with several milestones achieved.

Screenshot of the publication stats for May.

Compared to May, our views and reads in June were higher, reaching the highest levels so far — a significant achievement.

Screenshot of the publication stats for June.

In June, we saw more views, reads, and stories published — a win-win!


Last month, I aimed to encourage our members to publish quality content and to broaden the number of writers in our publication.

We achieved this target, as this month had the highest number of stories published in our pub, giving us the highest-ever views and reads!

I also targeted adding 50 new members in June, and we added 77!

In our fourth month, we grew into a community of 196 members and 229 followers!

Screenshot of the Homepage settings of the publication.

This publication adores a total of 196 members (counting the @, minus two editors and one email on the same page) — 77 of whom joined in June.

Screenshot of the Homepage of the publication.

We are also a community of 229 followers!

May v/s June comparison in tabular form.


The pace of growth in June was faster than expected.

In the second month, we only grew by 32 members, in the third month we grew by just 13 members, in the fourth, i.e., June we grew by 77.

This was better than anticipated, so we’ll continue to grow and build an even better strategy to add new members to the publication this month.

This month, I am targeting to add 50 members, but each of them should be experienced writers with great engagement rates and followers. This would be a significant achievement for our publication and would help spread its reach widely.

As an editor, I will continue to assist with editing upcoming drafts to format them better and provide writing tips via private notes.

The Featured Five

This is the most anticipated section of our monthly newsletter.

Here, I feature the 5 best stories I curate every month based on their value, title appeal, story depth, article format, and writing quality — all combined!

  1. Ogbebor Sarah’s Four People You Must Forgive

Value: Explores the powerful theme of forgiveness, offering emotional and psychological insights.
Highlight: Discusses forgiving parents, others, institutions, and oneself.
Format & Writing: Clear, empathetic, and engaging narrative that encourages personal growth.

2. Isabel Lugo Jarboe’s From Darkness to Light: Learning to Love Rainy Days

Value: Promotes mental health and well-being through a personal journey.
Highlight: A transformative experience that offers hope and practical advice.
Format & Writing: Heartfelt and engaging, capturing emotions and providing practical wisdom.

3. Simran Mahal’s Cancelled My Subscription To Energy Drainers

Value: Offers practical advice on eliminating negative influences.
Highlight: Specific actions for personal growth, presented in an easy-to-read list format.
Format & Writing: Clear, concise, and motivating.

4. Simran Mahal’s Upgrade or Degrade the Choice is Yours

Value: Practical advice for self-improvement and personal development.
Highlight: Inspires readers to adopt positive habits and mindsets.
Format & Writing: Encouraging and motivational, with a well-organized structure.

5. SINK OR SWIM’s Rumination

Value: Addresses overthinking and offers hope for overcoming it.
Highlight: Emotionally resonant narrative with a poetic and artistic format.
Format & Writing: Deeply connects with the reader’s emotions and experiences.

Token Of Thanks

Thanks to everyone who has made this publication journey better so far. You have all been an inspiration.

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!

I promise to spread positivity on Medium for as long as possible. 💕

Notable Mentions

Mentioning and encouraging some pub members to send their honourable drafts to us:

yuuenchi, Todd Davidson, Nanette Lai, MA (Biomedical Anthropology), Theo Rose, Bin Jiang, Midnight Young, Revanth Goud, Scribblesavvy, Praveen Kumar, KGMunro, Sabir Latif, Light and Paper, Mahnoor Hasan Khan, Medeea, Kamille S., Hanah's Musings, Grant Nwakanma, Dannii Catera, Diana C., Donna Cowden, Alicia M 💫, B., Anuj Sarita, AshBunny, nush_writes, Ayushi Sinha, Brenna Clark, Amitesh kumar, Not Boring Blog.

Mentioning the pub members who published with us in June to check out this newsletter for their contributions:

Fearlesscarolinagirl, Jamie Robinson, Simran Mahal, Ogbebor Sarah, Heather Bradford, Mystic Heart, Paul Chapman - coast walker, parent, teacher, Tsumomo Tsagura, Light x Bread, Orlando Narvaez, Maliha Noushin, 4urelius, Michael Southern Sr., CeeCee Jones, Emy Quinn, SINK OR SWIM, Hannah H, Jin Park, Ayoze's Scribe, Yash Dagar, Shayla Renee 💖, Val Garner - 🖋️ Pen name Amber Richards, Karen Patterson- Dare to Dream, Dei Kwasi Bright, Revanth Ponna, Dira, Ian Worrall, Krys Key, Isabel Lugo Jarboe, Oluwatomide 😍, chibuikeh, Emery Caster, DTCM, Mahesh Chandra, William Adams, OJ, Jothi PM, Chinedu V. Onyema, Dr. Jason Benskin, R. E. Essays.

A Special Thanks

I extend a heartfelt thank you to the following writers who have published the most in June in our publication, contributing to their own growth as well as the publication’s.

8 Stories
Emy Quinn: Horror Enthusiast. Dog lover, love reading books, like to draw, I upload horror shorts on social media, and I love to write mini horror stories.

7 Stories
Simran Mahal: Mother/Wife/Lifelong learner/Writer/Active listener/Narrator/Reader

6 Stories
SINK OR SWIM: Resilience Advocate Writer. Fearlessly wielding words to empower and inspire.

5 Stories
Heather Bradford: Passionate writer weaving spirituality, motivation, and inspiration into every word. Dedicated to uplifting souls on their journey.

We are proud to have you!

I would appreciate any queries, suggestions for improvement, or growth strategies for our publication.
If you’d like to help spread the word and encourage others to join our publication, please share the “Write With Us” story mentioned below.

Additionally, I encourage you to leave a comment with something nice about the publication, like a testimonial.
Your positive feedback can inspire others to join our community.



Mehak Adlakha
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Tech Explorer and Life Enthusiast.