Go to The Minimalist Author
The Minimalist Author
Minimalist Writing and Self-Publishing
Note from the editor

Minimalist Writing and Self-Publishing

Go to the profile of J.R. HEIMBIGNER
Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com
Go to the profile of Brian Monahan
Brian Monahan
Putting the Author back in Authority. I help creators, coaches, speakers and thought leaders write their first book. Signup.BrianMonahan.me
Go to the profile of Dustin Buchanan Wealth
Dustin Buchanan Wealth
Financial Coach helping others to truly change their financial lives and build wealth. Time is Money! It's time to stop throwing both away.
Go to the profile of Sharlrita Deloatch
Sharlrita Deloatch
I teach Women to write, publish, and profit 🚀 | Elevate your Digital Publishing Biz daily. → www.sharlritadeloatch.com/newsletter
Go to the profile of Matt Brady
Matt Brady
I partner with businesses to uncover hidden revenue in their customer list. Grow & monetize your newsletter in < 1 minute a day. 👉 https://go.getemail.fyi/m
Go to the profile of PC Hubbard
PC Hubbard
Economical stories. Also interested in Language and Linguistics. My book, a Wealth of Narrations, is available in Kindle or Paperback - https://amzn.to/3NGoQ6z
Go to the profile of Evan Kelly
Evan Kelly
I’ll show you how to launch and grow a profitable online business with content marketing and tiny emails! https://newsletteralchemy.com
Go to the profile of Nicholas Ogunji
Nicholas Ogunji
No piece of writing is a waste. It’s means you’re creative and such an amazing individual. I write short stories and I believe it will always impact my readers.
Go to the profile of Kailey
Follow along as I revive my side business, Crochet Unraveled 🧶
Go to the profile of Wendy Coop
Wendy Coop
Bible teacher + follower of Jesus. Get your 21-Day Foundations of Faith Reading Plan at http://faithbibleplan.com.