Archive of stories published by The Next Newsroom Project

Carnival of Journalism: Let’s increase the flow of local government data

The Carnival of Journalism is back for month two, under the guidance of ringleader David Cohn. The question this month:

“Considering your unique circumstances what steps can be

Groupon and the Future of Web Business Models

This week in the Mercury News, I wrote about three promising business models emerging on the Web: Apps, virtual goods, and daily deals. The column was timed to the big DEMO conference this week in Silicon Valley, where I got a chance to meet Andrew…

USA Today blows up the newsroom again

This past week we learned that USA Today was launching a major rethinking of its newsroom structure. The Associated Press reported:

“USA Today, the nation’s second largest newspaper, is making the most dramatic overhaul of its staff in…

Newsrooms are entering a hub-and-spoke future

Jeff Jarvis of recently paid a vist to the BBC to check in on their efforts to build a new newsroom. Jarvis wrote up his visit for his weekly column in the London Guardian. A couple of interesting observations:

Natal, AI and a new form of interactive storytelling

In a few months, Microsoft will begin selling its Kinect for Xbox 360. The technology is based on the company’s Project Natal technology that allows users to interact with video games without use of a controller or a wand.

These were the top 10 stories published by The Next Newsroom Project; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.

The Next Newsroom Project
The future is worse than we thought.
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