Top Stories published by Plain Text — The Official Sourcegraph Blog in 2016

Thyme: a simple CLI to measure human time and focus

It’s like a CPU profiler, but for your productivity rather than your machine’s

Do you ever think about how to make yourself a more productive programmer? At…

What we can learn from the IBM System/360, the first modular, general-purpose computer

At Sourcegraph, we believe building for the future requires learning the lessons of the past. This is the first in a series of blog posts that cover historical anecdotes about…

Announcing Checkup: simple, self-hosted health checks

Today, Sourcegraph is excited to announce Checkup, a simple tool that lets you easily create distributed, self-hosted health checks and status pages.

Why we open-sourced our uptime monitoring system

About a month ago, Sourcegraph released Checkup, an open-source, self-hosted uptime monitoring system written by Matt Holt.

Following its release, a lot of people asked us how we were using Checkup at Sourcegraph…

These were the top 10 stories published by Plain Text — The Official Sourcegraph Blog in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.