Top Stories published by Plain Text — The Official Sourcegraph Blog in September of 2016

Why we open-sourced our uptime monitoring system

About a month ago, Sourcegraph released Checkup, an open-source, self-hosted uptime monitoring system written by Matt Holt.

Following its release, a lot of people asked us how we were using Checkup at Sourcegraph…

GitHub Universe liveblog: “Open source for National Security”

Ian Lee of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory talks about how LLNL is using, producing, and encouraging open source in government (slides here).

Liveblogging GitHub Universe

Hi, we’re Sourcegraph, the code search engine for Go and Java that lets you jump to def and find refs across all your code on GitHub. You may remember us from such developer conference liveblogs as Gophercon, FOSDEM, and dotGo.