Introduction & Startup’s Origin

All the stories related to this featured page (published or re-posted), in one place

12 min readFeb 24, 2017


Preliminary Notes: The beginning of the Writing-Video-Visual Journey to discover startups and startuppers.

Startups are made of startuppers. Startuppers are human beings. Startups are made of human beings. Human beings are made of moments of impact. A moment of impact is a flash of high intensity and turning point in our life that ends up defining us, as single individuals, who we are, who we are going to become, what we are going to experience and what we are going to do.

With the benefits of hindsights, a single individual become a startupper due to a moment of impact — the Year O. With the benefits of hindsights, a startup originates from a moment of impact — the Year O.

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Let’s share who we are and the quick story behind our startup:) if you are a startup/startupper and you want to create content, click here 🔥


[New Stories will appear here for a limited time. Indeed, (only) in a Featured Page’s Story Box, stories follow a chronological order — from the oldest to the most recent ones]


In the past 2 years, I’ve spent tons of time and emotional energies on my ideas and projects (and heartbreak). Risk, confusion, fears, misunderstandings, cries, sometimes isolation. Uncertainty.

I know. People might have seen me, sometimes, acting weird or being in a weird mood. But that’s ’cause I’ve been on a constant emotional roller-coaster. Things extremely difficult to translate into words have happened to my recent life — journey. Light and darkness. Love and fear.

It helps to have real people next to you. Not many. Just real people. Not fake love. A call. Skype. A text.

It’s Key 🔑

Now, I’m excited: I can finally think just about my start up and other ideas, for the next months (even though these next months are still gonna keep Uncertainty alive).

So, I dedicate this special day full of bless to…

My parents.

Thank you, Mami and Papi, for the constant support, sacrifice and presence. You are my pillar. I know, it was hard for you to understand what I had in mind. My ideas. My choices. So, Forreal. Now it’s time to pay you back.

My Bromance.

Thank you. Damnnn, I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of real friends who have given me a heart full of joy. I learned a lot from you. Shout out to my Bromance. Bromance for life.

My ex(change) roommates.

Thank you. We started the entrepreneurial journey 3.5 years ago without knowing shit about entrepreneurship or start ups. Back in the days, we came up with OUR idea. OUR babe. Well, we were too young and naïve but you know what? You always need a spark of enthusiasm: if I’m here now, it’s also because of you.

My Squad.

Thank you, for the daily dedication and for the passion you have been putting since the very first day that I met you. You decided to embark on this journey and believe in this project even if you could catch so many planes. You could aspire to different careers, places or destinations. You chose the most difficult one.

My ex professor.

Thank you. You fired me up with your “You should stay grounded. Don’t fly too much. Reality is different. Watch out with your dreams.” Hello, Hello, Hello, it’s me. Dear professor wassssupp? If you are reading this, well, it might be too late, but let me say something anyway: Reality. Reality ain’t different lol. Reality is just tough.

My ex.

So you heard it all before but thank you. For being my muse, my inspiration, my engine, my wings and the reason behind the fact that I didn’t give up on me and my visions during these years. You blessed me with the best gift that I’ve ever known: you gave me purpose. Love should be considered the main source of innovation: thanks to you, I re-invented my life.


Thank you. You are my hero. You are yourself. They don’t want you to love, dream and change. Enjoy life man, live it up;) Life is worth living again;)


whoever, you know, was able to show me different prospectives and give me precious insights, advices or every kind of contribution.

And to…

whoever is going to love, dream and change with me;)

This story was published in Startime, the new way of perceiving startups and startuppers. Follow us 😎

Ps. You may want to give credit to this story and recommend it, right? Well, since you’re on a featured page’s story box, click here 😁 & hit the heart button 💚 immediately visible on the bottom page (then, go back to this page).

About what you’ve just read: Notes from the Author — Marco Borgato:

Dedicated to the most influential people of my recent life journey (and future one).

I quickly mention what i’ve been through in the past 2/3 years, recognize those moments of extremely weak energetic presence and reveal my fresh new enthusiasm for the upcoming future.

I then give open vent to my personal tribute.

About the Author of these stories: Marco Borgato (Borg, Borgy, Borglaire) is the co-founder of FashTime, owner/editor of ‘Startime’ and author of “The Way Of The Butterfly”. His life purpose is to add more colours and bring more light into people life and to be an inspiration for more life self-expression, -transparency, -awareness and -improvement. He believes in adding more to Life through design-&-tech-driven social-digital products and inspiring living breathing creative projects. For more about him, see here + all the other stories on the publication ‘Startime’. 😇🔥💯

Look, I’m honest. I have visions ok?

I allow myself to visualize my future starting from my feelings. And… since all looks fantastic, I allow myself to create my future starting from my visions. Nothing better.



You shouldn’t be scared


‘bout that.


’cause you can


see that




Out of nowhere.

You know, just like it happens to artists: they envision a paint, a song, a poem, a book…they witness their art… before actually creating something.

and then remember,


you can share that,


and we can create that,



What do you see here? :)

Honestly, I’m just not scared about letting my heart burn with and be open to positive energy. Cause positive energy brings positive dreamsvisions — and positive dreams are made to be shared. Positive dreams bring enthusiasm and enthusiasm is contagious.

For example.

How many times


do you wake up


and feel like


you need to share


what your dream was like


with your closest friend?


Have you ever


realized that


sharing a dream


has the




to make a dreamer


connect with


the planet?

“It’s the power of human connection. Relating to someone else on an emotional and personal level. It’s a basic human need”

The same shit happens when you daydream. You just gotta let your heart do its “dirty job” (like when you sleep). At the same time though, you gotta listen actively to the sound, the simple melody of your feelings and then…well, reproduce it!! You know what I mean?

Share that!!

It’s amazing.

“Hat dinner” with my grandpa and grandma;)

Why am I telling you this shit?



we don’t want too see


’cause we don’t want to be


we don’t want to share


’cause we don’t want to appear,




And we, we






To Live Jointly.




I’d rather let you join me


in discovering


how beautiful life is,


than just watch me


get through this journey,



“You always have to put out to the universe what your dream is — that is in part how they become actualized”.

Visions ;)

About my start-up, FashTime?

FashTime is one of the results of my romantic living breathing dream process.

And through the “FashTime Journey”, I’ve been able to find my true life purpose, have multiple visions and coming up with strong missions and ideas, that I wanna share with you.

You may not understand,

right now.

You may not see it as I see it,

right now.

But guess what?

I promise you will.

My team and I decided to be open since the beginning even if we weren’t perfect. Even if we weren’t immediately beautiful. Even if we weren’t expressing our full potential. But it’s all about being patient, you know. No rush, no pressure.

We’re just allowing ourselves to love, dream and change.

After all,

“…It takes time for a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly…”

Team Visions ;)

Extra 1: Putting yourself into somebody else’s shoes.

People sometimes


are not able to externalize


their true feelings,


born inside


their heart


and living inside


their mind,


so easily.

Don’t judge someone just because when you saw him/her that couple of times or spoke with him/her those few minutes he/she looked like mmm uncomfortable, empty, weak etc. When the heart has its troubles, everyone emanates a different energy. But it’s not his/her real essence, you know. It’s just like a transitional period that eventually makes someone grow. Maybe you will be lucky to see it, maybe not.

I guess my friends, my family but even random individuals had the chance to see different transitions of my life: the confident but shy Borg, the douchebag Borg, the confident Borg, the depressed Borg, the mature Borg.

For those of you who didn’t, one thing I know for sure: what you are reading it’s “me”.

Extra 2: “Telling” is not “Sharing”.

It seems to me that nowadays having a true dream you know, having a vision and be willing to share it with another person, with people, is becoming tougher and tougher.

We are individualistic ’cause we are merely ambitious.

(That’s also why today is so fucking difficult to fall in love or make a love last.)

We don’t give a fuck about trying to SHARE our dreams WITH others. We just TELL our ambitions TO others. Dreams have the power to involve people. Ambitions are just about ourselves.

Can I be part of your life


and would you like

to be part of mine?


Will you allow me

to help you


and will you put yourself

into my shoes?


Will you allow me to create something

together with you?

This story was published in Startime, the new way of perceiving startups and startuppers. Follow us 😎

Ps. You may want to give credit to this story and recommend it, right? Well, since you’re on a featured page’s story box, click here 😁 & hit the heart button 💚 immediately visible on the bottom page (then, go back to this page).

About what you’ve just read: Notes from the Author — Marco Borgato:

Through this creative poem, I aim at showing my approach to life and the power of sharing our true dreams, visions and ideas with the world. At the same time, I recognize that the act of “sharing” can be a challenge and often is misinterpreted.

I mention FashTime as an example of my romantic living breathing dream, vision and idea processing, that I’m willing to share with the world.

About the Author of these stories: Marco Borgato (Borg, Borgy, Borglaire) is the co-founder of FashTime, owner/editor of ‘Startime’ and author of “The Way Of The Butterfly”. His life purpose is to add more colours and bring more light into people life and to be an inspiration for more life self-expression, -transparency, -awareness and -improvement. He believes in adding more to Life through design-&-tech-driven social-digital products and inspiring living breathing creative projects. For more about him, see here + all the other stories on the publication ‘Startime’. 😇🔥💯

You can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love, right?

I’m Marco Borgato but I go by the name of Borg or Borgy :)

I’m the Chief Innovation officer, Chief Visionary Officer and Chief Product Officer (but, fuck these titles) of FashTime, a young start up.

I’m an explorer, experimenter and entertainer who loves innovation and supports creativity, without being afraid of changing or making a change for the better. Moreover, I’m a design thinker, a romantic dreamer, a vision / purpose / mission-driven hard worker and an enthusiastic lover with a past swimming experience and a recent and future entrepreneurial one (lol).

I’m not a doctor who can cure cancer.

Honestly, I just wanna make people HAPPY or HAPPIER. And If I can do it with an App or whatever idea I come up with, I’m gonna do it.

What if i can’t do by myself? Well, I’m gonna help others do it (Just gimme a great purpose, a great vision, a great mission and great values 😇)

Even with respect to the stories I’ve been writing on Medium, I mean… I don’t care whether only 5 hundred people or a thousand, or whatever, read my stories. I care whether I’m able to make an impact, on their life…If someone spends TIME on what I post.

’Cause, again…

“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.”

“When someone give you their time, they are giving you a portion of their life that they’ll never get back. Their time is their life. That is why the greatest gift someone can give you is Time.“

Now, let me tell something about my project, FashTime.

Let me start with this video 🎥. For those who don’t wanna watch it, here below a summary:

  • Photo — -> Madison, Wisconsin
  • The Time of my Life
  • Finance
  • Stucked
  • Exchange
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • New Life
  • Dreams
  • Changes

You didn’t get it, right? I have a solution for you: watch my video 😏

So, as you may have understood, a product has always a cool story behind: a moment of impact, a spark, Love.

We shouldn’t forget it. I didn’t 😏

“Ok….we got it, you, your story, the origin of FashTime, bla bla bla. So….what is FashTime dude?”

Well, before approaching our product (yes, we are a team of four crazy individuals), I wanna start from our Vision (what we see), Purpose (why FashTime?) and Mission (how we are going to achieve our vision, What we do) as a young start up. As I see it, products have to be the practical and natural translation of a clear purpose, vision and mission.

So, here we are…

FashTime …





Actually you know what, follow the next story (link below)…follow the way of the butterfly:)

This story was published in Startime, the new way of perceiving startups and startuppers. Follow us 😎

Ps. You may want to give credit to this story and recommend it, right? Well, since you’re on a featured page’s story box, click here 😁 & hit the heart button 💚 immediately visible on the bottom page (then, go back to this page).

About what you’ve just read: Notes from the Author — Marco Borgato:

It all started from a moment of impact.

We can say my new life journey… my heart journey, my entrepreneurial journey… started thanks to a 4-months exchange program in Madison, Wisconsin.

A spark, Love.

My short biographical video summarizes that life-changing experience.

About the Author of this story: Marco Borgato (Borg, Borgy, Borglaire) is the co-founder of FashTime, owner/editor of ‘Startime’ and author of “The Way Of The Butterfly”. His life purpose is to add more colours and bring more light into people life and to be an inspiration for more life self-expression, -transparency, -awareness and -improvement. He believes in adding more to Life through design-&-tech-driven social-digital products and inspiring living breathing creative projects. For more about him, see here + all the other stories on the publication ‘Startime’. 😇🔥💯




The new way of perceiving startups & startuppers — A living breathing writing-video-visual publication project. See