The Wellspring Residents

Meet the Residents of The Wellspring

Thirteen families, twelve properties, relatives, guests, and service providers; all with their own dirty little secrets…

Eefje Valerie
The Wellspring
Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2024


The Wellspring comprises 13 households, across 12 different properties. Turning off Pinewood Drive into The Wellspring cul-de-sac will have you driving past six houses, three on each side of the road, then six houses around the large asphalt cul-de-sac at the end of the road. The house numbers start at 128, and end at 139.

All the houses were built in the same style in the early naughties, but some have had conversions and extensions put in place around the exterior. There’s no reason to assume that each house has the same internal layout. One of the houses is subdivided, meaning it’s one property converted into two, serving two households.

128 The Wellspring — The Johnsons

The Johnsons in 128

Roger and Wendy Johnsons are in their late fifties, and have been married since they were eighteen years old. They were high-school sweethearts, who, at least to outsiders, seem utterly devoted to one another. They have two adult-aged children; Bryce who lives in 134 with his wife and kids, and Laine who, with the benefit of Roger’s wealth, moved to a special hippie retreat in Mexico.

Roger runs a property development business, and his company was involved in the creation of The Wellspring. He’s seen by others as kind, generous and friendly. Wendy on the other hand, runs the home owner’s association of The Wellspring, and is seen as tough, unyielding, but ultimately fair.

Stories about The Johnsons

129 The Wellspring — The Guptas

The Guptas in 129

Ranveer Gupta and his wife Manjit are second generation immigrants with a deep love for their Punjabi parents’ origins. Despite both being born here, they were still party to an arranged marriage that brought them together. However, it didn’t take Ranveer and Manjit long to fall in love and they’ve had a strong bond ever since.

They have one daughter, Jasleen, who turned eighteen this year, and one son, ten year old Adjeet. Jasleen is going through a phase of rejecting her parents’ Punjabi traditions and attempting to rebel, much to her father’s consternation. Manjit on the other hand, believes that Jasleen will have her fun and then return back to her heritage when the time is right. Adjeet enjoys teasing Jasleen, who often reacts badly to his jokes and pranks.

Stories about The Guptas

130a The Wellspring — The Gutierrez’

The Gutierrez’ in 130a

Carlos lives in the subdivided 130a with his children. Carlos struggles to maintain discipline over his wayward son Carlos Jr, who works as a mechanic, and his daughter Elena, who is split between attempting to establish herself as a model, and partying with her friends.

Elena’s best friend is Jasleen Gupta. Carlos Jr has a less than savoury reputation in The Wellspring due to a very rebellious teenage phase, which his father Carlos is now working hard to try and fix.

Stories about The Gutierrez’

130b The Wellspring — The Murphys

The Murphys in 130b

Jayne and Donal Murphy live in their small, cramped home with their twins Finn and Callie, and sometimes their older brother Jack. They’re a tumultuous household, rife with arguments and battles. Jayne runs the house with an iron-fist, whilst Donal spends his days drinking, much to her annoyance.

Finn and Callie have both dabbled in substances, and Jack swings by every so often to try and bring them in line. Jack lives in the city, and runs a less than reputable bar, but there’s definitely more to what he does day-to-day than serve beer.

Stories about The Murphys

131 The Wellspring — The Hartley-Williams’

The Hartley-Williams’ in 131

James and Deonte Hartley-Williams are a newly wed, young professional couple who work in the city. James runs his own coffee place, and Deonte works as a stock broker. Their home in The Wellspring is their first home after getting married. They are currently going through the process of trying to adopt a child, but are finding it difficult with their busy work schedules.

Roger Johnson used his connections in his property business to help James out with his coffee shop, which he feels an obligation to repay one day. Deonte has only recently started working as a stock broker, and he’s yet to have his big payday.

132 The Wellspring — Mr Darren

Mr Darren in 132

Harry Darren and his late wife Marjorie were one of the first residents to move into The Wellspring after it was built in the early naughties. They viewed it as their retirement purchase, where they’d eventually pass away. A decade ago Marjorie passed and since then Harry has turned into a grouchy, old man, angry at the world.

Harry and his wife had a long and fruitful history, and have experienced almost everything life has to offer, perhaps that’s why he’s so grumpy — he’s got nothing new left to experience.

133 The Wellspring — The Lemons

The Lemons in 133

Drew Lemon and his wife Cindy are the definition of a traditional marriage dynamic. They’re both devout Christians, who are actively involved in their local church.

Behind closed doors, the pair rarely talk any more, their relationship has gone stale, and resentment is starting to creep in. There hasn’t been any inciting incidents, but more a death-by-a-thousand-cuts, slow, methodical degradation of their love for one another.

Stories about The Lemons

134 The Wellspring — The Johnsons

The Johnsons in 134

Bryce Johnson, youngest son of Roger and Wendy (128 The Wellspring), and his wife Angelica Johnson live with their 8 year old son, Robbie and 6 year old daughter Claudia. Outsiders would say that Bryce and Angelica have a happy, doting marriage to one another.

Bryce spends a lot of time in the city, working for his father’s property development business, often staying at the office for extended periods, leaving Angelica home alone with the kids.

Stories about The Johnsons

135 The Wellspring — The Keeleys

The Keeleys in 135

Lana Keeley, or LanaDelCrayCray as she is known online, is a full time career game streamer, and her husband, Paul, is her silent manager. None of Lana’s community are aware of her marriage, and Paul is never seen on camera.

Other than this, the two have a very warm relationship with one another; the house was purchased with Lana’s considerable streaming income. Paul has some baggage when considering Lana the breadwinner of the family, but the couple are working through it.

Stories about The Keeleys

136 The Wellspring — The Jacksons

The Jacksons in 136

Phil Jackson, big time city lawyer, and his wife Bernice, the sought-after jazz singer live at 136. They have two children together, Cal and Amira, both who live in the city making a name for themselves; Cal is a lawyer like his father, and Amira works as a stock broker with Deonte Hartley-Williams.

A year ago, Bernice and Phil had a wonderful marriage, full of love and sincerity. That was until a mistake Phil had made eighteen years ago came knocking at the door. He had a very short lived affair with an intern, Shondra, and born from that affair was Marquise Leandre. They have now integrated him into their family, adding Jackson to his name, and setting him up with prospects in the area. Bernice and Phil have been working on their marriage ever since.

Stories about The Jacksons

137 The Wellspring — The Bianchis

The Bianchis in 137

Joe and Bella Bianchi have strong Italian heritage, and in-fact, the house they live in was purchased originally by Joe’s uncle Giovanni, Joe’s namesake. Joe’s primary aim is to establish his own waste management business in the area, and Bella is content to be his housewife for the time being.

There are rumours on the street that Joe’s family is part of an organised crime syndicate, but I’m sure they’re just rumours…

Stories about The Bianchis

138 The Wellspring— The Dostoevskys

The Dostoevskys in 138

Karina Dostoevsky, the elderly matriarch of a large Russian family that emigrated to this area lived alone in 138 for a long time. Last year, she collapsed, and has required help ever since. Fourty-eight year old Alexei, Karina’s son, and his new eighteen year old wife Yelena have moved in to help Karina recover from her illness — though Karina doesn’t think she needs it.

Yelena wants to explore and live her life, but Alexei is strict about how they need to be in this new neighbourhood, especially with the Bianchi family next door, who Alexei believes to be rivals of his.

Stories about The Dostoevskys

139 The Wellspring — The Kims

The Kims in 139

Eun Kim, is the owner of 139 The Wellspring, after her husband, Do-yun passed away unexpectedly three years ago. Do-yun was a religious man, but Eun never believed in God the way he did; despite that, when he was alive, she did her best to live her life in a way that respected Do-yun’s beliefs, but now that he’s passed, she’s feeling like she’s missed out on so many life experiences.

Eun Kim lives with her children, eighteen year old model, Soo Nami, and college student, accountant in training, Soek-Jin.

Stories about The Kims



Eefje Valerie
The Wellspring

My name is Eefje Valerie, and I bring to life my own wildest fantasies in written form, focusing on passion, love and sex.