Sailing to Success: How to Find Your True North and Live Your Truth

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2023

On the way to your dreams, you will encounter stormy seas. There will be people who will tell you that you cannot have what you want. And if you allow those people to pull you or your ship down, you might not be able to sail past your fears and reach the land of your dreams. But hear me out. What if there is a way to remain unwaveringly bold on purpose?

What did you hear growing up?

Long ago, you likely got one (or more) messages in childhood.

Some of those messages were great, and some were not.

What have you done with those messages?

What if you took those messages and buried them under the surface because of their emotional impact?

Though you might think those messages belong in the past (and they do!), the messages that were not so great are likely the ones giving rise to your fears.

Troubleshoot your vision. Get to know what lies below your surface.

What is fear?

How do you feel about examining the messages you received long ago?

If you feel afraid to examine your old messages, know that you are not alone.

An aspect of fear is putting up a wall that blocks us from examining our old messages. Perhaps we are afraid those old messages might seep all over our present.

I know you are brave.

Think of a message you received long ago.

What did that person tell you?

What did you feel when you heard that message?

Was there a part of you that believed them? Which part?

We learn through vulnerability.

Let me be vulnerable with you about something that took me a long time to figure out.

As a kid, I angrily fought back many of the messages I got. Maybe you did the same?

The more I lashed out in rage, the deeper those messages got buried. Why?

See, I was not dealing with the messages. I was reacting to them.

I realize you may need to pause here and consider the distinction between ‘dealing with’ and ‘reacting to.’

Reaction is a form of fear that buries the messages faster.

Do not cling to old messages that are no longer true. Unfold the treasure map within to reach your dreams.

What is the weight of fear?

Fear has a weight.

The weight of your fear is measured by the old messages that can still catapult you into a reaction.

Being reactive can seem vulnerable because it inadvertently reveals us.

But real vulnerability is when we choose to reveal ourselves.

Here’s how fear plays out:

Think of an old message that still troubles you.

Keep thinking about it.

What feeling came up?

That feeling will dip into your pool of memories and beliefs and will pick what it associates with that feeling.

What that means is:

Rage breeds rage.

Fear breeds more fear.

However, we can break through the cycle of fear. We can become genuinely curious about the old messages.

Curiosity breeds compassion.

Compassionately break the cycle of fear.

Emancipating means living your truth.

Lift the anchor (belief system) that may be weighing you down. Address the messages you received long ago.

Let me be clear.

Rage is a lack of vulnerability because of the lashing out.

But in truth:

Rage is a cry for emancipation because there is a part of us that remembers we were born free. (Learn more.)

With that in mind,

No one can address their old messages alone because of fear and many other feelings. I know. That is why I have a compass pointing to True North.

Who is your compass pointing to True North? Who will hold you fiercely accountable to live your truth?

Sail to the land of your dreams.

What is your greatest challenge in uncovering the old messages under your surface?

What do you intend to do about it?

If you want to live with a feeling of purpose that will make you grow and reach your dreams, you need to learn how to master your fears.

On stormy seas, seasoned captains rely on their compass to guide their path.

Do not leave your fate to chance.

Do not let fear dictate what you need to do.

Remain unwaveringly bold on purpose, with a compass pointing to True North by their side.

Who is your compass pointing to True North?

Let Me Help…

Anne Beaulieu, inspiring the next generation of emotionally intelligent, strategic women through

  • An emotionally intelligent strategic plan (EISP) that meets your needs
  • Strategic emotional intelligence with critical thinking
  • Financial emotional intelligence that confronts and solves the problem
  • Emotional debt relief
  • Financial EQ Implementation of your EISP
  • Financial EQ coaching for corporate and private clients
  • Redirecting your emotional undercurrent toward building a sustainable legacy
  • Holding you fiercely accountable by being the emotional rudder you and your business need



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services