Top Stories published by Thought Pills in December of 2015

What really happens when you live like there’s no tomorrow

by Yann Girard

The other day a friend of mine sent me a link to a video on YouTube. You know the kind of video where you see amazing skylines, beautiful nature, people holding hands and people…

The digital nomad lie

by Yann Girard

I’ve now been traveling and working remotely for the past three and a half months. Or at least I’ve tried to.

I don’t call myself digital nomad. And I’m not a true digital nomad. Whatever a true digital nomad really…

Everything sucks

by Yann Girard

Your first 100 blog posts will suck.

Your first 5 books will suck.

Your first 30 talks in public will suck.

Why I stopped reading in 2015

by Yann Girard

In the US alone there are more than 600.000 books published every year. That’s more than 1600 books every day. In the US alone! And globally there are more than 2mn blog posts published every day.

Why you should (still) not quit your job in 2016

by Yann Girard

About a year ago I wrote a post called Why you should not quit your job in 2015. Now one year has passed. So I wanted to check back with you and see how things were going for you this past year.

Permission to think

by Yann Girard

For decades we’ve been trained by schools, universities and our bosses to always pretend to be busy. To never stand still. To always do stuff. To never question anything.

Don’t focus on what people say

by Yann Girard

We focus too much on things other people say. Instead of focusing on the things that work.

And when you focus on the things everybody else says all the time, you’ll never figure out what really works.

Do more bad work

by Yann Girard

90% of my blog posts suck. An even bigger number of my podcast episodes suck (not my guests fault though). Same with my YouTube videos. And my books.

That one big idea

by Yann Girard

That one big idea will never come. If you wait for that one big idea that will change your life, the life of millions of others and the entire world you’ll wait forever. You’ll wait your life away.

Allow it

by Yann Girard

We don’t allow things to happen anymore.

We don’t allow life to be amazing because we have too many obligations.

We don’t allow ourselves to fall in love because we could get hurt.

These were the top 10 stories published by Thought Pills in December of 2015. You can also dive into daily archives for December of 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.