Top Stories published by twofourseven in 2009

Digital Britain — Part 2

The Government yesterday released its interim Digital Britain report. No surprises on the content of the Green Paper– broadband for all, improving how television content is distributed online and cracking down on illegal file sharing.

Journalists And Social Media: What PRs Should Know

This evening I have the pleasure of hosting a CIPR Greater London Group event on journalism and social media at Hill & Knowlton. As speakers we have Nic Newman, the BBC’s Future Media & Technology Controller, Journalism and Digital…

Social Media And The Consumer

“Be human, all this is still experimental” is how Media140 founder Ande Gregson summarised everybody’s expectations of Twitter and social media at the end of the Media140 Brands conference in London this week. And he is right.

These were the top 10 stories published by twofourseven in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Digital, Technology and Innovation - Designing for People
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