Top Stories published by Uncork Capital in 2004

Pick Your VC Carefully… If You Can

Jeff, from SAP Ventures, has recently written an interesting post: Pick Your VC Carefully. A number of BlogoVCs have made reference and added interesting comments to it (Ed, Brad, Fred, Marc, Stephen).

BloggerCon III: Newbies Session

The discussion leader was Rebecca MacKinnon. Because BloggerCon is an “un-conference”, and there is no presentation or pre-set agenda, she asked people in the room what they were interested in. There was actually an interesting mix of pure blog newbies to blog veterans…

To blog or not to blog

Very thoughtful post from Christopher Allen re Too High A Standard on how much thinking and research has to go into a blog post. I have really enjoyed Christopher’s (long) contributions in the past, and am looking forward to his more frequent write-ups.