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Case Studies
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Our approach to Agile Research
Our approach to Agile Research
Agile, stemming from the software development world, rapidly become a quite popular methodology, as it helps project teams to quickly and…
Jul 19, 2019
When to use qualitative techniques over surveys and why?
When to use qualitative techniques over surveys and why?
As qualitative techniques deemed to be less data-oriented, takes more time and are more costly, they are often underutilized, compared to…
Aug 12, 2019
The Benefits of Remote User Research
The Benefits of Remote User Research
Although many researchers are already leveraging remote research technologies, some mention that one can gather more context from…
Aug 12, 2019
How many users do I need during research for understanding a target audience?
How many users do I need during research for understanding a target audience?
Perhaps the most important reason why qualitative research is underused is the misconception that it cannot yield significant results. On…
Aug 13, 2019
A statistical explanation of the power of small numbers
A statistical explanation of the power of small numbers
The Nielsen-Norman group mentioned in an article published in 2000 that only five users are required for a usability test. Since then, the…
Aug 13, 2019
User Research Checklist
User Research Checklist
Here is a pdf excerpt of the content below
Sep 2, 2019
How to test a new concept?
How to test a new concept?
To test a new concept, product, idea or service, Uservision developed its own framework, stemming from design thinking, agile and…
Apr 7, 2020
Analytics & Big Data vs Thick Data
Analytics & Big Data vs Thick Data
Brands nowadays are very adept at analyzing their analytics or big data. Very smart people create models to explain ‘what’ consumers do…
Apr 16, 2020
Human-Centered Research
Human-Centered Research
Most research companies are trying to answer rigid questions, as this is what their client asks from them. However, these questions may be…
Aug 18, 2019
System 3 Thinking
System 3 Thinking
System 3 way of thinking is mainly derived from imagination and very different from classical dual process theory.
May 16, 2020
What is a ‘Holistic Research Team’?
What is a ‘Holistic Research Team’?
As the world evolves, so does the nature of occupations. Hitherto, being an expert in a certain field would just do the trick. However, in…
Apr 12, 2022
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