Your Life, Your Creativity Is a Collage

A call for submissions and a collage of beautiful things here at Vagabond Voices

Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash


What if
your mind was just
a magnificent
machine, expert
in pulling
elements from midair,
everything below
the rippling surface of
your thoughts, infusing
it all with your deepest
emotions. Playing
up unique tunes,
spraying forth
color combinations, surprising
images, new

Maybe all of our work is always a sort of collage.

In that case, all of the elements you collect on a daily basis with your eyes, ears, body, heart, and soul?

Become the raw material. The foundation of your self-expression…

What creative material are you collecting these days?

Probably more than you’ve had time to even think about.

If you’re like me, your dreams know this already. Maybe your stories, art, and poems know it too.

Images and phrases sift in from all kinds of new and unusual places. Your fragmented focus lets things in…differently. And you have a collection:

That image burned into your mind’s eye from the newspaper, or the tv.

That thing someone said in passing, a snippet from an add that made sense in an unexpected way.

The line from a song you heard recently…or once upon a time. Or that you listen to while you partake in your new ‘normal.’

I invite you to find your own interpretation of ‘collage.’

I challenge you to snag the collage elements of your daily life and create something new.

You could create a physical collage: Snippets of words, stories handed down, hand-written, artifacts collected, snapshots snapped, or snip. The whole thing glued to a page.

Or your creation might be more of a drawing together of ideas, a series of dreams you stitched together through words, phrases, poetry, prose.

It can be anyplace your heart, mind, and dreams take you.

Bring it here. Whatever it is.

Even (especially) the experimental.

Beautiful Stories from April…

By Isabella Moimaz a beautiful poem to remind you to keep going: Hope

On the theme of Strange Pilgrims…

An eerie and surreal piece of fiction: People of the Parallel by LB.

Another Strange Pilgrim story by Ellen Bratsche…this time in Iceland, abandoned houses, winter…and the unexplained: The abandoned house.

And a very different and relevant look into this theme by Sylph Hemery in Us.

Travel stories to sweep you away…

Come Tread the Sky with Agnes Louis.

Travel back in time and memories with Adam M. in That Coney Island Ride.

And enjoy these images and a sensory tour from Mary McGrath in Don’t Forget to Stop and Smell the Roses.

And to recap our stories from a stunning month of April…

Enjoy Cascada Waskayacu by Linda Alley, Saying Goodbye to a Watermelon by Nicole Ak, The Cork Dublin Trail by Sylvia Wohlfarth. Crunch, Crunch! What Is It? by Marta Mozolewska. In Search of Legoland by Pablo Pereyra. And Are You a Beatle or a Rolling Stone? by Rodrigo Bahadian.

Join Gail Walter with Mom Overboard Almost, Sylph Hemery in Sacred Entanglement. Elena Gabrielli with Still Life. Mary McGrath and The Myth of Sisyphus. Elena Gabrielli with her first poems in our publication: A New World and The Golden Hour, Lisa Bolin with My Shadow.

Come write with us.

If you’ve got a story, poem, song…or collage, send it our way. And if you haven’t written for us before? If you’ve never published in a publication before? If it’s your first time writing in (insert language here)?

Just let me know you’re interested in the comments below. Or get in touch with your questions.

And if you’d like to stay posted on the news from our publication…but also our book chats and writing workshops, you can sign up for the newsletter.

Stay safe, stay in touch…and never stop reading and writing.



Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices

Immigrant, bilingual, mother, teacher, book-worm, writer. Life is better when we create - together.