Go to Wabi-Sabi Journeys
Wabi-Sabi Journeys
Wabi-Sabi is an aesthetic, a way of experiencing life, a belief that worth exists in the overlooked and imperfect. A wabi-sabi journey is slower, personal, less driven. It’s travel with an open heart and curious mind that challenges the self.
Note from the editor

Wabi-Sabi is an aesthetic, a way of experiencing life, a belief that worth exists in the overlooked and imperfect. A wabi-sabi journey is slower, personal, less driven. It’s travel with an open heart and curious mind that challenges the self.

Go to the profile of Susan Kraus
Susan Kraus
Novelist. Therapist. Mediator. Genre-bender. Tenaciously curious. Travel writer. — susankraus.com & mediationmakessense.com
Go to the profile of Ashley Honey
Go to the profile of J. G. NUNEZ
culture spy and writer.