Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in May of 2016

A Universal Basic Income Will Not Solve Poverty, but That’s No Reason To Reject It

Eduardo Porter writes in a New York Times column this morning that “a universal basic income will not solve poverty” — a claim that strikes me as mostly right but mostly beside the point…

The President’s Power To Tax Doesn’t Stop at Carried Interest

Gretchen Morgenson writes in this week’s New York Times Sunday Business section:

There is a lot about this problem of income inequality — and about the economy over all — that Mr. Obama cannot…

Two-and-Twenty and Fifty-Fifty

Prompted by Gretchen Morgenson’s column in the New York Times over the weekend suggesting that the Obama administration could change the tax treatment of carried interest via executive action, a Treasury official told Tax Notes this week that the Department’s position is…

How I’d Fix the Sisk-Leiter Citation Studies

Like law review rankings, faculty citation counts are a little bit useful. Which means it is worth a least a blog post’s worth of attention to think about how to do them right. We should be grateful for the work that Greg Sisk and his team do in…

Maybe Treasury Should Have to Keep Score

Following up on Daniel’s post, let me add one point to his account of the effect of the “PAYGO” rule. (I’m not yelling, it’s supposed to be in all caps…) In Daniel’s longer treatment of the issues, he explains how political incentives tend to favor…