Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in April of 2016

Is Social Security Tilted Toward the Rich?

A fascinating column in the New York Times Sunday Business section claims that the growing life span gap between the rich and the poor is undermining the Social Security system’s redistributive design. Neil Irwin writes:

What Makes This Agency Different From All Other Agencies?

A D.C. Circuit panel held today that the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 (PRIIA) is unconstitutional. This is the second time the same panel has struck down the PRIIA (the first time the panel was reversed by…

Zuckerblogging, Part I

Facebook this week informed its shareholders that it is planning to issue a stock dividend. Existing shareholders, including Zuckerberg, will receive two shares of a new class of non-voting common stock for each of their existing shares. Readers may recall that Facebook already has 2…

A Second Source, Just as “Whatever”

Greetings, FWSD readers. I’m Brian Galle, tax professor and opinion holder. I occasionally blog elsewhere, but readers there complain about posts that “have too much tax.” Daniel generously offered some white space here, where the hope is that such complaints will be…