Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in October of 2016

Trump’s Fictitious Fiduciary Duties

The New York Times reports that Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns — a loss that he presumably could have carried forward for several years (or even decades) to erase future taxes. The Trump campaign issued the following…

Let’s Put an Income Floor Under Each Child, but Let’s Not Overclaim

Eduardo Porter writes in the New York Times about an intriguing anti-poverty proposal promoted by the Russell Sage Foundation:

Why not get rid of the child tax credit and the child…

Why I’m Not Betting on Donald Trump or the Dodgers

Carey Morewedge writes in today’s New York Times Sunday Review that “[l]ogic strongly recommends” betting against your preferred candidate or your favorite sports team. He elaborates:

Consider that for most people…