Top Stories published by Xandr-Tech in 2016

XSS Vulnerability and Patch Explained

Last week a security researcher, Randy Westergren, pointed out in a blog post a vulnerability from cross-site scripting (XSS) that was common across our industry and impacted AppNexus. We’ve since rolled out a patch to the immediate issue and encourage you to read…

Securing our Big Data Platform Part 2

When last we saw our heroes, they were battling Hadoop authentication in DPaaS. But our intrepid knights were able to overcome that crafty foe and move on to the next obstacle: authorization. And that’s where our story continues…

Securing our Big Data Platform: Part 3

As we’ve seen in our past couple of posts — Securing our Big Data Platform: Part 1 and Securing our Data Platform: Part 2 — we’ve been hard at work beefing up the security of our Big Data Platform. We had one other important piece of the puzzle to solve before…