Top Stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in October of 2017

Data rights are the new IP rights

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Data rights are the new IP rights in the Intelligence Era

As more sophisticated resources for developers become widely available, copycat products can now be launched in a matter of hours…

There are more data scientists than you think

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Data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers are increasingly in demand, and companies of all sizes are paying top dollar for experienced candidates. The supply of data scientists and ML…


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We recently partnered with Eli Finkelshteyn and Dan McCormick to help them build, a business providing machine learning-powered site-search. It was clear from our first meeting with them that Constructor and Zetta speak the same…

Zetta Venture Partners
Zetta invests in intelligent enterprise software. We partner with companies building software that learns from data to analyze, predict and prescribe outcomes.
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